

Lately I've been taken back by the fact that I'm inspiring people. It baffles me that little ol' me is inspiring people to make healthy choices. 

I've gotten a lot of questions about what is working for me, where I get recipes from and how to find motivation. I'm always honest and more then willing to share what is working for me and how I'm getting it done every day, but I remind them that I am not a pro at this. I still eat food that I shouldn't, I still dislike working out and I still miss McDonald's and fried foods. I just know that eating those things or not doing the workouts will not get me where I want to be and all they will offer is instant gratification.

I've really had to learn that every weight loss journey is different, just like everyone is a different person. I will not lose weight the same way someone else did. I can not eat things other people can because it may throw me back to my bad habits. I've really had to learn to read my body and know what works for me.

I can share tips, hints and answers all day long but that doesn't mean it's going to work for you or be what is best for you. I want it to work for you though, so badly.

My biggest advice and inspiration I can give someone is to do what works for you. Find the program (Weight Watchers, counting calories or carbs) and stick with it. The hardest part of the journey is starting it and sticking to it. I'll never regret starting this journey again, even if it is my third time.

Third times the charm! 

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