I'm really not sure why I started blogging. I don't have children and we really don't do anything exciting that I should blog about on a daily basis. When I originally started blogging, I was a nanny and I would blog about things I would do with the boys but that ended so I now I blog about wedding plans, traveling we do and whatever else I see fit. I think now I blog so that way I can go back and read it and remember it and hopefully someday my children will be able to read it too.
Today is day 31 of the blog challenge. I've had lots of fun doing it (even though a few times I had to play catch up). I'm excited to get back to normal blogging as I tried to keep my blog posts to one a day.
I gained some new followers from this and would do it again if there was a chance!
Day 29: Where I've traveled
I can't say I've done much traveling to other countries or gone anywhere exotic but I have been to Mexico twice, Canada, Las Vegas, California and Texas.
I first went to Mexico on a mission trip when I was in high school. We built a house for a family and taught people about The Word. I wish I had pictures of that trip because it was life changing.
I would love to visit New York, England, Paris, Ireland...the list goes on!
Day 28: Something I'm looking forward to
There are a few things I'm looking forward to as we have a lot of great things happening over the next year or so. I won't get that far ahead of myself so I'll say that I'm really looking forward to our engagement photo session. We take pictures June 16th and I'm sort of counting down the days! Once we get our pictures back, we'll be able to get save-the-dates out! So so exciting!
Day 27: Favorite recipe
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Picture from Skinnytaste |
Check out the recipe!
Day 25: My 5 favorite blogs
These 5 blogs I read either everyday or every time they blog. I love the way each one of them write and I love their story.
Day 25: My favorite childhood books
These two books remind me being young and in elementary school. I really remember my 1st grade teacher reading them to us during story time. When I was a nanny, I made sure to share these books with the kids, because everyone needs to read them!
Day 23: My dream job
I'll make this short and sweet. For as long as I can remember I have always wanted to be a teacher. There are so many teachers that touched my life in so many ways that I hope to have that impact on children someday.
Day 22: The best thing to happen this year
I can't just narrow it down to one thing as two great things have happened this year! The first thing is that The Mr. & I got engaged! I'm sure everyone is tired of me talking about it but it's a life changing event and I couldn't be happier. The second best thing is being able to see my oldest sister 100% sober and living a healthy lifestyle. She is doing so good and everyday I am so proud of her!
Day 21: My 10 favorite foods
- Mom's lasagna
- Mexican food
- Pizza
- Chicken divan
- Fruity pebbles
- Italian food
- Snickers
- The Mr.'s quesadillas
- PB&J Sandwiches
- Sub sandwiches
Day 20: A difficult time in my life
I won't go into too many details about this and not because I don't want to talk about it or because I'm ashamed, but who wants to dwell in the past? Besides, I'm over it and moved on from it and because of it, I'd like to think I'm a better person.
I would have to say the most difficult time in my life thus far was living in Seattle, trying to make it on my own, being in a horrible relationship and getting myself into way too much debt. At the time, I really didn't know what I wanted in life but I wanted to prove that I could do it and do it better then others. Man, I was wrong! I was there about two years and moved back home, it was the best decision I have ever made!
I would have to say the most difficult time in my life thus far was living in Seattle, trying to make it on my own, being in a horrible relationship and getting myself into way too much debt. At the time, I really didn't know what I wanted in life but I wanted to prove that I could do it and do it better then others. Man, I was wrong! I was there about two years and moved back home, it was the best decision I have ever made!
Day 19: Something I collect
When I was young I used to collect stickers. I kept them in this really cool Lisa Frank binder, I had pages and pages of cool stickers. Since then, I've moved on and grown up and I collect coffee cups/tumblers. I really like to get them at Starbucks but if I find one I can't live without somewhere else, I'll buy it. I have tumblers/cups then I probably should have and use them about half of the time, but I love them!
Day 18: The meaning behind my blog name
I've had two blogs, the first one was Lil' Bit of Sunshine, but I got tired of the name and had some followers that I didn't want to follow me so I changed it to A Dab of Abby. When I was in elementary school, a few teachers and one certain secretary used to call me Dabby Abby. They called me this all the way until high school and I'm sure if I saw them today, they would still call me that. So when I was looking for a blog name, I decided on A Dab of Abby to go with Dabby Abby but also because my blog is just a dab of me. Little bits of me here and there!
Day 16: Top of my bucket list
There are three things that are at the top of my bucket list. I don't care what order they happen in, I just want to make sure I do these three things before I die.
- Pay off my debt
- Visit New York
- Go back to school/become a teacher
What's on your bucket list?
Day 15: Timeline of my day
I really don't have a set schedule making a timeline of my day hard to write. Everyday is different and I probably never do the something at the same time everyday.
So, I'll do roundabout times with things I try to do almost everyday.
Unless I work really early, I normally wake up anywhere from 8:30-10am so...
8:30-10am - Wake up! I normally check my phone, read emails, text or call people back while lying in bed.
10-11am - Relax and wake up. I'll get on my laptop or iPad, respond to emails, check Facebook, read blogs and do all those other important internet things.
11-12pm - Find something to eat/get ready for work/day. It takes me a bit to get hungry, so I'll grab a quick brunch and then jump in the shower to get ready for work or the day.
12-9pm - Work. Closing seems to be something I'm doing a lot so I normally go to work anywhere in the 12 o'clock hour and we get out of there at 8:45pm.
9-bedtime - Visit with The Mr., blog, relax, clean etc. We don't do anything major in this time, sometimes we'll have a small bite to eat but nothing to call home about it. Bedtime is anywhere from 11-12pm or like last night, I went to bed at 1:30am. I couldn't put my book down!
Day 14: If I won the lottery....
Winning the lottery would be wonderful and it's always fun to dream about. There are many things that I would love to do with the money but if I were to really win, I'm sure it wouldn't go the way I want it and I would have no clue what to do with that much money. But if I'm ever to win a huge amount of money I would....
- First and foremost.....pay off this horrible debt that's weighing me down!
- pay off my parents house and make sure they were set for awhile
- buy/build a house
- build an education fund for my future children
- invest and save save save!!!!!
Okay, really, who am I kidding? I'd probably throw in a shopping trip in there too!
Day 13: My earliest memory
As we sat around today enjoying the day with my parents, my sister and I talked about childhood memories and we had some great laughs.
My sister was taken back by the fact that she remembers a lot of childhood memories with me around but I was so young that I don't remember them. I realized that there are a lot "memories" I thought I remembered but a lot of them were just from pictures or stuff my parents told me about.
I would have to say that my first memory is bits and piece of the car ride during our big move from Texas to Washington. I was really young, probably no older then 4 and I remember it was winter time. Somewhere along the way we stopped to eat and it was snowing really hard; it had obviously been snowing for awhile because I remember there being a lot on the ground. We all got out of the car and before anyone could say anything, I swear at the same time we all picked up a snowball and starting having a snowball fight, but we pretty much focused on Mom. Poor Mom, she had snowballs being thrown at her from all angles.
We still get a get laugh about that story and Mom still shakes her head when we talk about it.
Day 12: Inside my fridge
The Mr. thought it was kind of weird that I was taking pictures of the fridge to show the world, he just doesn't understand this blogging thing.
I don't think we have anything special in our fridge but I do know we have a lot of sauces and no beer or wine. Horrible!
What's in your fridge?
I don't think we have anything special in our fridge but I do know we have a lot of sauces and no beer or wine. Horrible!
What's in your fridge?
Day 11: 15 of my favorite things
15 of my favorite things? I have so many things that I love and I have to narrow it down to 15? Oh man...this might be tough!
- The Mr. - Seriously, I love this man! I've said it and I'll keep saying, he's my rock, supports me whenever I need it and always shows his love for me.
- my family - Mom, Dad, sisters, nieces, aunts, uncles...everyone! We may not be the perfect family, but it's my family, and that's all that matters.
- my friends - Real friends and computer friends, they are my favorite!
- Rambo - This dang dog brings so much joy in our lives, I don't know what we would do without him.
- my iPhone/iPad/Macbook - Enough said?
- my home - I am so thankful for these walls around The Mr. and I. It may not be decorated but it's our home, and a home is what you make it!
- iced black tea, unsweetened please! - Oh man, I love black tea, especially from Starbucks!
- cooking/baking - I really enjoy cooking and baking, it makes me feel like a cute little Suzy homemaker. My favorite thing is having dinner ready when The Mr. walks in the door.
- my job - I really do love my job, the people I work with and the customers I see everyday.
- water - If I'm not drinking tea, I'm probably drinking water, out of my favorite water bottle.
- candles - I love all candles! I'm addicted to making my home smell amazing.
- holidays - I love holidays where I can be with my family and just enjoy the day. I'm looking forward to Mother's Day!
- my car - Not only is it a favorite thing of mine but I am so thankful for it. I would hate to have to walk to work or anywhere for that matter.
- pizza - Probably my favorite food, ever. I could eat pizza until the end of time.
- my bed - Nothing like crawling into bed at the end of a long day!
Day 10: My best physical feature
This one was easy for me, I have always loved my hands. My fingers are long and pretty thin, my nails are shaped nicely and if I don't say so myself, that ring looks dang good!
More importunely, my hands remind me of my mother's hands. I think her hands are not only beautiful but they have always had that perfect touch that only mothers have.
Thanks for sharing your beautiful hands, Mom.
Day 9: My worst habits
This one was kind of hard for me, I know I have habits, but are they really bad? I wouldn't be me if I didn't have these habits, right? Anyway, because I told myself I was going to complete the challenge, I thought really hard about it came up with a few things that I do...probably every day.
- I have a hard time saying "no." There are often times, especially at work where I am asked to do something, like stay late or cover for someone, and I will always say "yes." I don't want to be that person to let people down and I feel like if people see me helping out, when I'm in need, they will help me. That normally doesn't happy though.
- When I'm nervous or stressed, I bite my nails. I catch myself doing it after I've ripped off my 9th nail and by then, I might as well continue to #10, the rest of them are gone.
- According to The Mr., one of my worst habits is that I leave the toilet paper roll on the holder after the roll is finished. If I remember right, my mother used to get on us all the time for doing that when I was child. Old habits die hard. :-)
- I always forget to pick up my clothes from the bathroom floor.
Day 8: Inside my handbag
In my handbag, you will find:
My phone would be in there too, but I used my phone to take the picture....
What's in your handbag?
- keys
- wallet
- coin purse
- chap stick
- lotion
- pills (all kinds!)
- tums
- lip stick
- free drink coupons from Starbucks
- store key for Starbucks
- wedding guest list
- pens
My phone would be in there too, but I used my phone to take the picture....
What's in your handbag?
Day 7: My pet peeves
- I hate when people call me, I miss the phone call and I call them RIGHT back and they don't answer. Seriously, where could you have gone in those .5 seconds that you CAN'T answer your phone?
- I can't stand when a room is pitch black, unless I'm going to sleep. I need some sort of light, even if I'm watching a movie.
- I hate when people are late or those people who walk in right at the time they are suppose to be somewhere. Why can't people just be early for everything?
- I despise people who are in the right lane at a stop light and they aren't turning and I'm the car behind them that can make a free right turn. Seriously? Please move to the left lane!
- Stupid drivers annoy me.
- People who leave their Christmas trees up until May....like the neighbors down the street!
Day 6: My 5 senses right now
- I can hear the washer filling up with water, getting ready to wash our whites.
- I can smell the wonderful scent of Rio Beach, oh how I love my Scentsy.
- I can feel the freezing cold from the ice around my feet.
- I don't taste a thing. I haven't had anything to eat or drink.
- I can see the coffee table behind my computer screen, reminding me that I should probably clean it off.
Day 5: 10 songs I love right now
These are in no particular order and yes, I have Justin Bieber on here. That new song of his has a good beat. :-)
- Somebody That I Used to Know - Gotye
- We are Young - Fun.
- Part of Me - Katy Perry
- Boyfriend - Justin Bieber
- Water Tower Town - Scotty McCreery
- Starships - Nicki Minaj
- Learning to Fly - Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers
- No One - Alicia Keys
- The Way I Am - Ingrid Michaelson
- Love Like Crazy - Lee Brice
Day 4: What I'm afraid of
I mentioned it on my day 2 post but I am deathly afraid of being in a car accident. I'm not sure why it worries me so much, but even seeing a fender bender makes me sick to my stomach.
My fear is worse when I'm a passenger in the car, I'm pretty sure I'm the worst back seat driver, ever. If you're in the car with me you'll probably hear me complain about how close a car is or how close we are to the edge of the road. I would much rather be the driver but even when I am, I still catch myself yelling at cars for being bad drivers.
The Mr. would say that I have a case of road rage, I'm sure it's just my ultimate fear making an appearance.
My fear is worse when I'm a passenger in the car, I'm pretty sure I'm the worst back seat driver, ever. If you're in the car with me you'll probably hear me complain about how close a car is or how close we are to the edge of the road. I would much rather be the driver but even when I am, I still catch myself yelling at cars for being bad drivers.
The Mr. would say that I have a case of road rage, I'm sure it's just my ultimate fear making an appearance.
Day 2: 20 facts about me
- I hate doing laundry, it is by far my most hated house chore.
- I would kill to visit New York.
- I have an obsession with water bottles.
- I miss being a kid sometimes, I loved my childhood!
- I never thought I was going to find someone who would want to marry me, I was wrong.
- I don't say I'm wrong very often. :-)
- I wish I could buy new feet, mine are killing me.
- I'm afraid of failing.
- I'm scared of falling while walking down the aisle on my wedding day.
- I love listening to The. Mr snore.
- I have super duper hearing
- and I'm really good a reading lips.
- If I was a millionaire, I would go to the spa everyday.
- The first thing I do in the morning is look at my phone.
- I think pumping gas is a waste of time.
- I miss my best friend.
- I hope I make a good wife and mom.
- I am deathly afraid of being in a car accident.
- My parents amaze me.
- The Mr. is my rock and I love him more then he knows.
Day 1: Introduction and recent photo
I'm two days late, but I decided to jump in on this blog challenge. I'm always looking for more ideas to blog and I thought this was a perfect idea! You can follow along over at Boy Oh Boy and link up everyday so others can read your blog!
So, here it goes!
I am Abby or Abigail, whatever you want to call me. I am 25 years old, recently engaged to the love of my life (The Mr.) and together (well, he was The Mr.'s first but whatever....) we have a spoiled Boston Terrier. I work at Starbucks as a Shift Supervisor and I hope to one day become a store manager! On my spare time, I love to cook, talk on the phone, get pedicures and read.
I am Abby or Abigail, whatever you want to call me. I am 25 years old, recently engaged to the love of my life (The Mr.) and together (well, he was The Mr.'s first but whatever....) we have a spoiled Boston Terrier. I work at Starbucks as a Shift Supervisor and I hope to one day become a store manager! On my spare time, I love to cook, talk on the phone, get pedicures and read.
Then and Now
Remember how I told you that we had a beautiful weekend last time I posted? Well, we did! The weather was perfect, not too hot with just the right amount of sun. It made me get a little excited for Summer! Unfortunately, I had to work most the weekend so I didn't get to enjoy it as much as I wanted, but I know The Mr. got to enjoy every moment of it!
As soon as he woke up, he was outside fixing up the Jeep. I could tell he was starting to get antsy about taking the roof off and with the weather being so nice, it was perfect timing! He spent most the day outside working on the cars and soaking up the sun.
On Sunday, I went to Yakima to see my sister and niece. A lot has changed since I wrote my last blog about her but to make a long story short, she is still in rehab, she has custody of my niece again and things are still going great. The beautiful weather held out for the weekend, in fact it was about 90 degrees and we tried to take advantage of it! We did a little shopping, grabbed a bite to eat and then headed to the park. I feel so blessed to be able to visit with them as often as I can, being able to kiss and hold my niece again is amazing!
Now quick, fast forward two weeks! The Mr. and I will be heading to Yakima tomorrow to see my sister graduate from rehab and help her move into transitional housing. I am so excited and nervous all at the same time. Don't get me wrong, I am so happy she made the choice to get help and fix her life, but the next few months are going to be challenging and will truly test everything she has learned.
Now quick, fast forward two weeks! The Mr. and I will be heading to Yakima tomorrow to see my sister graduate from rehab and help her move into transitional housing. I am so excited and nervous all at the same time. Don't get me wrong, I am so happy she made the choice to get help and fix her life, but the next few months are going to be challenging and will truly test everything she has learned.
I know she wants only the best for herself and her daughter and I know she has everything in her power to make it happen, but she has to know she has it in herself to make it happen. I hope that I can continue to be someone she leans on when she's had a bad day and I pray that she stays clean and sober.
Most importantly, I just want to continue to see her true smile and hear her beautiful laugh.
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