
Day 7: My pet peeves

  • I hate when people call me, I miss the phone call and I call them RIGHT back and they don't answer. Seriously, where could you have gone in those .5 seconds that you CAN'T answer your phone? 
  • I can't stand when a room is pitch black, unless I'm going to sleep. I need some sort of light, even if I'm watching a movie. 
  • I hate when people are late or those people who walk in right at the time they are suppose to be somewhere. Why can't people just be early for everything? 
  • I despise people who are in the right lane at a stop light and they aren't turning and I'm the car behind them that can make a free right turn. Seriously? Please move to the left lane! 
  • Stupid drivers annoy me.
  • People who leave their Christmas trees up until the neighbors down the street!
I could probably go on and on....I'll have to add to the list if I think of anymore.


  1. Lateness seems to be a recurring theme with everyone! :)

    My mother always leaves her tree up, as well. Drives me insane!

  2. Christmas tree still up in May?? Really? May as well just leave it up all year round if it's still up in May!

  3. Oh yes - the phone callers who then don't pick up - forgot about that one!

  4. the phone thing drives me CRAZY!! and I feel you on the Christmas lights; I've got some weirdo neighbors down the street that still have lights strung and lit up every night.

  5. Fab list, am with you on all of those xx
