
Day 9: My worst habits

This one was kind of hard for me, I know I have habits, but are they really bad? I wouldn't be me if I didn't have these habits, right? Anyway, because I told myself I was going to complete the challenge, I thought really hard about it came up with a few things that I do...probably every day.
  • I have a hard time saying "no." There are often times, especially at work where I am asked to do something, like stay late or cover for someone, and I will always say "yes." I don't want to be that person to let people down and I feel like if people see me helping out, when I'm in need, they will help me. That normally doesn't happy though. 
  • When I'm nervous or stressed, I bite my nails. I catch myself doing it after I've ripped off my 9th nail and by then, I might as well continue to #10, the rest of them are gone.
  • According to The Mr., one of my worst habits is that I leave the toilet paper roll on the holder after the roll is finished. If I remember right, my mother used to get on us all the time for doing that when I was child. Old habits die hard. :-)
  • I always forget to pick up my clothes from the bathroom floor. 
Do you have any bad habits?


  1. Learn to say 'no!'. I had that problem, but I'm getting much better. After awhile, it begins to feel GREAT to take control of your own life! ♥

  2. I'm slowly getting there! The few times I have said "no," has felt great! I just need to remember not everyone will scratch your back even if you scratch theirs.

  3. I too struggle with saying no to people, inherited that quality from my mum i think! My OH says i'm terrible for leaving clothes and towels on the bathroom floor! xxx

  4. Learning to say "no" is hard, but empowering. Every time you do, it's like a little victory. My worst habit has to be clenching my teeth. When I want to say something but don't, or when I'm stressed, or when I'm worried. It's a terrible habit :/
