
Day 2: 20 facts about me

  1. I hate doing laundry, it is by far my most hated house chore. 
  2. I would kill to visit New York. 
  3. I have an obsession with water bottles. 
  4. I miss being a kid sometimes, I loved my childhood! 
  5. I never thought I was going to find someone who would want to marry me, I was wrong. 
  6. I don't say I'm wrong very often. :-) 
  7. I wish I could buy new feet, mine are killing me. 
  8. I'm afraid of failing. 
  9. I'm scared of falling while walking down the aisle on my wedding day. 
  10. I love listening to The. Mr snore. 
  11. I have super duper hearing 
  12. and I'm really good a reading lips. 
  13. If I was a millionaire, I would go to the spa everyday. 
  14. The first thing I do in the morning is look at my phone. 
  15. I think pumping gas is a waste of time. 
  16. I miss my best friend. 
  17. I hope I make a good wife and mom. 
  18. I am deathly afraid of being in a car accident. 
  19. My parents amaze me. 
  20. The Mr. is my rock and I love him more then he knows.


  1. You must love my brother if you love listening to him snore! Now that is what I call LOVE. hahahah

    1. Lol, you have to understand that I grew up listening to my Dad snore every night. It's very comforting and most nights, it helps me fall asleep.

  2. Number 11 & 12 will come in handy when you have kids. You are amazing too!!!
