
Day 4: What I'm afraid of

I mentioned it on my day 2 post but I am deathly afraid of being in a car accident. I'm not sure why it worries me so much, but even seeing a fender bender makes me sick to my stomach.

My fear is worse when I'm a passenger in the car, I'm pretty sure I'm the worst back seat driver, ever. If you're in the car with me you'll probably hear me complain about how close a car is or how close we are to the edge of the road. I would much rather be the driver but even when I am, I still catch myself yelling at cars for being bad drivers.

The Mr. would say that I have a case of road rage, I'm sure it's just my ultimate fear making an appearance.


  1. This is something very close to my heart. There are soo many idiot drivers on the road they terrify me too, even more so when the children are in the car with me.

    1. I'm sure I'll be worse when I have children. People seriously suck at driving.

  2. The way some people drive is truly terrifying and most of them seem to be on the phone. I get car sick sometimes when I'm a passenger so I always offer to drive if I can! x

    1. Oh man, I get car sick so easily too! I'm probably not a great passenger.

  3. I'm absolutely terrified of dying in a plane crash or of an elevator falling. I seriously have nightmares nearly EVERY night about it. A car accident would be preferrable, but I have terrible dreams of surviving a car accident that kills my family. :( It is so horrible.

    1. Oh my goodness Katie, I would hate to have a dream like that! How scary!

  4. I can't drive now because I have epilepsy, and I bet I am a worse backseat driver than you!! My chauffeur is my 16 year old daughter! AARGH! I don't worry too much about it, except when we cross a railroad track...see my post from today!!

    Vicky @ sleeping in an unmade bed

  5. I'm a backseat driver too. LOL Thanks for sharing!

  6. My DH is always sure he's going to die if he's a passenger in the car with me it seems -- he's a terrible back seat driver :-) So I just don't drive, I turn the keys over to him. I am much more worried about driving/accidents know that I have kids, that's for sure! I have spiders and heights on my blog post list for the challenge -- but the list could have gone on for a while :-)

  7. I am terrified for my daughter to be in someone else's car. My heart stops for a few minutes after they pull away.
