
Weekend Plans

I changed the way I post item into my Weight Loss Diary so if you're subscribed to my blog or just read my blog you don't have to go and find any post about my weight loss. Everything will be updated like normal in normal order, but if you want to just read about my weight loss then you can go and click on my Weight Loss Diary.

I had to change the date each time I posted something about weight loss before and it was just becoming annoying!

In other news, I've really enjoyed my day off today and I'm so looking forward to my four day weekend, I just want it slow down. I'm currently waiting for The Mr. to get home from work so we can go grab dinner and then go grocery shopping. This is the first time I'll be grocery shopping while on WW, I'm excited and nervous all at the same time. I just want to make sure I pick healthy food and stay focused on that. I'll be taking my WW calculator and making sure I'm picking items that are low in points but still filling and healthy!

Tomorrow we will be going to one of The Mr.'s coworkers birthday parties. She's turning 30 and is throwing a huge party with a dinner and everything! I'm really worried about this and I hope we eat dinner at home before going so I stay on track and don't go over my points.

I can't wait for Sunday! I wish it was tomorrow! It's my first weigh in day and I hope I see something positive on that scale! After my meeting we will be watching the Seahawks game with friends and then heading to our FPU class. Our class is at a weird time so it makes dinner a little difficult but The Mr. thought maybe we could put something in the crock pot in the afternoon and then come home after our class and eat dinner. He's so amazing and I was so surprised to find so many recipes that will work great with my WW meal plan.

Come Monday I am going to be ready to sleep in and do nothing! I'll go work out and cook dinner but other then that, I plan on relaxing at home and enjoying a quiet day!

Slow down weekend, slow down!


  1. So how and where do I go to see your weight loss diary? You sound busy! How did the grocery shopping go? I am thinking of doing the WW online, but still not sure. Your dad and I went to dinner tonight. It felt good to get away and be alone. Rita watched Loryn and Emma, I was so grateful. I miss my me time, but it is for a good reason. Love you!

  2. Mama, the weight loss diary is listed under weight loss story, if you hover over it, a drop down menu will fall and you can click on it there. Or you can keep coming back because all post will be listed like normal! :-)
