
My heart hurts.

My heart is so heavy tonight and hurts. I don't know these people and I can only imagine the kind of people they were, but knowing they died a horrible death and knowing how they died breaks my heart and I weep for their families. I'm sure there are tons of people who are writing about this, talking about this or reading about this and just like I did, realize how short and precious life really is. If you don't know what I'm talking about, read the story here or check out their Facebook Support Page.

I read a lot of blogs and one of the blogs I read is NieNie Dialogues. She is a burn survivor and her story is amazing, she also is an amazing writer and is just inspiring in general. Because she's a burn survivor she has a heart for others who are going through the same situation she's been in and today she told us about Jesus and Kate and their horrible story. I read it and I prayed. I continued to read into it a little bit and was reading comments that people had left and finally got to the comment when someone updated us letting us know that Kate had passed away. I prayed again and I cried. Her life was cut so short, she had the world at her hand; she was beautiful, great job, was just engaged, planning an amazing future, I'm sure, and boom; it's gone.

I can't stop thinking about this, I can't get it out of my head. I can not understand how someone could just hate their life and the world so much that they would intentionally physically hurt others, even more so, burn the life right out of them. I hope this man rots in hell. I hope this man dies the way he killed them.

Then there are the people who are donating money to the family, offering to do skin graphs for her, offering whatever the families may need. These people do not even know the family but are touched and moved by the story and the heartache of it and are willing to help. My faith in humanity gets restored little by little with acts like this.

Life is so short, I often forget how short is it, how quickly something or someone can be taking away from me. I pray this family can find peace in all this horrible mess, that they get justice where it's deserved and that their hearts heal with time as quickly as possible.

I'm counting my blessings tonight and I hope you are too.


  1. Abigail, this is why you are so wonderful. You understand love and compassion. I am so grateful I met you. You are one of those wonderful people that bless others. That story breaks my heart.
    It's so important to count our blessings and remember how blessed we truly are.

  2. I am so grateful I met you too Lee Ann. This story is so horrible, my heart breaks for this couple and family.
