
I have a dream....

I dreamt last night that I was running, not running away from anything, not running in fear but running because that's how I was getting my exercise. I remember enjoying my run and my body not hurting or being in pain, I remember wanting to run more and more and more....then I woke up.

I want to live that dream, I want to be at the physical point where I can run and enjoy it; I want to be able to run and not hurt or feel pain in every joint of my body. It was so liberating to feel that way in my dream last night, I can not stop thinking about.

I know it's a long way until I will be able to do that and that's okay. I know that I may never be able to run as far as other people and that's okay. I do know that someday, I will run until I can't run anymore and the only thing that will hurt is my feet from running so far, okay maybe my knee too, damn that dislocated knee in sixth grade!

I'm so ahead of myself and there are a ton of other milestones that I have to reach before I can do all the things I dream of, but it's okay to dream, isn't it?

I remember waking up this morning and the first thing I said was "Babe, I dreamt that I was running!" I'm sure The Mr. thought I was crazy but it just felt so real and so good.

I hope I dream about that again tonight.

1 comment:

  1. My dear Miss Abigail,

    It is more than ok to dream. Without dreams we have no direction and will only fail. Dreams are what drive us to greatness, and I see GREAT things for you!!!

    Keep DREAMING!!!
