
So. Frustrated.

With the new year upon us, everyone is talking about losing weight, going to the gym, getting their life style back in check and of course it's really got me thinking and wanting to go back to the gym. The Mr. pays for our membership every month and we have yet to go to the gym for a while now. A few months back, I was doing really good, going almost everyday and then something happened to my foot and I could barely walk and I haven't been back since. Horrible.

With that, I'm really going try to start going to the gym again. I told The Mr. I wouldn't go full force just yet because the last thing we want is to hurt my foot again. Now, getting off my ass and actually going is the tough part. It's a war in my head all day; "I'll go to the gym after work...no you won't, yes you will..." And then I don't. I recently went back to Curves and joined again, with good intentions, but I haven't made it to Richland to actually work out. I called today because I hadn't been charged for December's fee but they had the wrong card number and they asked me go down there to run the card, maybe it's a sign that I just need to go. See, I'm signed up to two gyms and I haven't gone in months. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?!?!

I've said it before and I'm sure I sound like a broken record but I am going to go back to the gym, I am going to watch what I eat and I am going to lose weight. I wish I had something or someone holding me accountable! I'm really frustrated with myself and this situation. I'm GOING to Curves tomorrow and I'm GOING to work out and then I'm going to find out when the next Zumba class is at Club 24 and I'm GOING to go shake the fat off my ass.


  1. Which club 24?! I've been thinking about getting back into
    the gym, and i LOVE zumba! We could go together!!!

  2. On Keene. I love Zumba too. Where have you done it at?

  3. Bethel Church in Richland does it 2 days a week. Used to go with some co-workers. I'll have to look into it. I've heard good things about that club!

  4. Oh yeah, we loved it when we went. Of course, we haven't been in awhile. You can also just go for the classes too for pretty cheap.
