
FPU and things

Weekends fly by too fast, especially this weekend because we had something to do all three days. On Friday night we went out with some of The Mr.'s coworkers for a few beers and chitchat; Saturday we went to Josh and Jami's for the amazing Seahawks football game and then yesterday we started our Davy Ramsey's Financial Peace University (FPU) class.

Now, I'm going to be honest, I was not very good with my finances until I met The Mr.. I didn't really care before and it wasn't because no one taught me the difference, I just wanted what I wanted when I wanted it and no one was going to stop me. I had credit cards up the yingyang and I'll be honest, rarely paid my bills. With that being said, meeting The Mr. was probably the best thing that has happened to me, and not just because he's an amazing boyfriend but because he opened my eyes to different things. He showed me how important it is to take care of and control my finances, he showed me what being debt free does and how important it is to live a debt free life. Am I debt free today? No way, I have student loans I'm paying on still and will be paying on for years to come, but that's okay. Am I on my way to being debt free? Heck yes.

I wasn't too excited about going to FPU but did it because I know how important it is for our relationship and how passionate The Mr. is about Dave Ramsey and what he believes in. So, we went and I listened and took it all in. Dave is an amazing speaker and is so intriguing to listen to so that part was easy. I'm sure I know I walked in with a guard up  because a part of me still wants no one to tell me what to do with my money and how to manage it, but I sat back, put my big girl panties on and took it in. Now I'm excited about the next 12 weeks of this class, I'm excited to learn more about his program and the way it works and I can't wait to be debt free!

I feel almost like a new woman, dieting, working out, financial classes and on my way to being debt free. Holy moly!

Anyway, the weekend went by so fast and now I'm back to work but The Mr. is at home enjoying a day off. I'm so jealous. We (the boys and I) went to the apartment for lunch and he was still in in his PJ's watching T.V. Must be freakin' nice!

1 comment:

  1. Mom and Mark are really into Dave too! I've read a lot of his books! Keep it up! It is tough! I sat down and did a budget for this year because I want to buy a house and man sticking to it sucks sometimes, but it'll be worth it!!
