It's been a lovely day off, well besides the fact that I woke up with a horrible headache but it went away quickly after I took an Ibuprofen 800! The weekend zoomed by and I'm really not ready to head back to work tomorrow but it'll be a quick week and then I have Monday and Tuesday off next week for Scentsy's Spring Sprint in Spokane! I'm super stoked for it but I'll write about that later.
I meant do to this yesterday with my weigh loss post but spaced it so I'll post it today! Here's my weekly weight loss chart from WW's, there's also a graph that is shown on my end but it shows my actual weight and I'm not ready to show that yet. I don't think I've even told The Mr., he may have seen it, but I haven't voluntarily given him the actual number. Not only did I lose 6.6 lbs, I also lost 3.25 inches! Whoop whoop!
As promised yesterday, I will try to post our dinners for the week. I'm excited to try some new items and cook from scratch again! I did cook a few I found this weekend and they were awesome. So far, I'm 2/2 on them and plan on keeping them forever!
For dinner on:
Saturday: Beef Nachos; there we're really good and made with a black bean/meat mixture that was amazing and I'll be using it for other items like tacos and other yumminess! 3+ points per serving too!
Sunday: Slow Cooker Lasagna; this was AMAZING! I wasn't sure how it was going to turn out because of the noodles in the crock pot. I was worried it would be dry and the noodles be a little hard but it was perfect! I'll be keeping this forever and I don't know if I'll ever make it another way. So easy and so perfect! 9+ points per serving.
For dinner this week we will have:
Monday: Chicken Divan, Lightened Up; 8+ points per serving
Tuesday: Shepard's Pie, Lightened Up; 7+ points per serving
Wednesday: Skinny Sloppy Joes & Oven Fries; 6+ points per serving
Thursday: Beef & Broccoli Stir-Fry; 5+ points per serving
Friday: Slow Cooked Sweet Barbacoa Pork with Chipotle's Cilantro Lime Rice; 11+ points per serving
I haven't planned for next weekend because I'm not sure what our plans our yet but I'll have it figured out by the end of the week.
Here's to another healthy week and more lost weight!