
Friday's Letters

Dear Friday, I could jump up and down and shout for joy that you are here. Working 7 days straight is not fun at all but being able to enjoy the weekend is amazing! Dear work, I hope you know you aren't going to win, I'm putting on my big girl panties and I'm getting the job done, and I'm gonna be good at it, just wait and see! Dear The Mr., I hope you enjoyed your vacation, busy times are coming and you deserve to just relax and do things for yourself. Have I told you that I love you? Dear Mama, I'm so glad that you had a good birthday, you deserve it! Thanks for being born and being my mother. Dear BFF who lives too far away, please know that I miss you so so much and wish I could spend a whole day with you. I can not wait to see you and hug you in Vegas. God damn it, I miss you! (excuse me while I wipe my tears away.) Dear Weekend, please go by slow and please be hot so I can go swimming!



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