
Sometimes and Always

Sometimes: My iPhone is so slow I just want to throw it against the wall.
Always: I wouldn't know what to do without the dang thing!

Sometimes: I hate Facebook, all those "like this if you agree" pictures drive me crazy.
Always: I just can't seem to get rid of it, I feel like I would miss something important.

Sometimes: I get so wrapped up in my day to day life, I forget to blog.
Always: I'm grateful for my readers and always want to have something important to say.

Sometimes: I want to go on a shopping spree.
Always: Remind myself of what's important and pay my bills.

Sometimes: I stay up until the wee hours of morning catching up on T.V.
Always: Sleep in until noon, like I did today. someecards.com - Mondays are even harder now that I have to stay up until 3 a.m. to finish watching Sunday night TV.

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