
Friday's Letters

Dear 4th of July, thanks for being a great one this year! Your weather was perfect, the food was amazing and the company was pretty splendid! Dear The Mr., thanks for putting up with my family this week, I wish we could spend more time with your family too but know my family loves you tons! Dear sun, thanks for finally making your appearance and thanks for the sunburn. Dear Blogger, the way you don't allow me to arrange my pictures is really annoying, please do something about that or I'm switching to Wordpress! Dear self, you should probably get more sleep, there's no reason to be staying up so late! Dear bloggers, thanks for stopping by! Make sure you leave some love so I can return the favor. :-)



  1. Love the photo above! Glad the food and company were good for you and yours this holiday week! Have a great weekend!

  2. Sounds like you had a great holiday. The hubby and I also struggle with balancing and sharing our time between famlies. Hope you're weekend goes as well as your holiday! :)

  3. The Mr's. family lives in Texas and Mexico and since we're in Washington it makes it really hard to spend holidays with important days with them. I sure wish we could though!

  4. You too! Thanks for stopping by!

  5. If you have a PC then you should look into Windows Live Writer to write all your blog posts instead of through blogger. Its 1000 times better, easier and you can size, move and do whatever you want with your pictures. Its so so so nice...but only if you have a PC. :)

    Glad you had a great 4th!
    Came from the linkup :) Have a great weekend
    Emily at Amazing Grapes

  6. Oh man, that makes me wish I had a PC! Don't let The Mr. know I said that, he's a big Mac fan. Thanks for stopping by!
