

10 things I should be embarrassed to admit....but I'm not!

1) I love watching The Bachelorette, something about watching a ton of men fight over one girl enlightens me. I don't watch The Bachelor or any other of those dating shows, but I do love The Bachelorette.

2) I talk to and treat Rambo like a child. Sometimes I say things to him and think "did I really just tell a dog that?" He understands me though, I swear.
3) I drink more tea then coffee and I work at Starbucks. Please don't judge me!
4) I have a sweet tooth. After eating a meal, I always want something sweet. It's horrible.

5) I trust people too easily and because of that, I feel like I've been burned a lot but you live and you learn.

6) My new motto has been "it is what it is." I say it for everything and I try to really live those words. I can't change what's been done.

7) I could eat ranch with just about anything. It really is so good!

8) I'm in the middle of reading Fifty Shades Darker and I just can't seem to get into anymore.

9) I have a tendency to buy a lot of things such as body washes and then not use them and then give them away.

10) I miss watching So You Think You Can Dance with my sister. We used to stay up late, eat very unhealthy food and watch the show. Here's one of our favorite routines....
Usually hosted at Mom 2 Memphis and Ruby but hosted at The Eloping Stethoscope until August!


  1. Don't worry about not being into the 50 shades trilogy anymore! I liked the third book the best but the second one made me toss the book to the side a few times and randomly yell at my husband "Why is this so bad!?"

  2. hahaha, I think that's normal. I get about 3/4 through every book I read and typically lay it down!
