
Favorite Things About Summer

I'm so excited about this first link up hosted by Natalie, Linny and Kailyn! This weeks topic is all about Summer and all the great things that come with it!

I won't lie though, I'm really not a big fan of Summer, I hate hate hate being hot and I sunburn way too easily, but something about those late Summer nights and cool dips in the pool make me almost love this season.

Here are a few of my favorite things about summer!

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Besides becoming a lobster most of the time, I really do enjoy Summer. Once this 100+ degree days go away, I can enjoy it a little more.

What are your favorite things about Summer?


  1. First, you are on Wordpress! I love it!!

    Second, passion tea is THE best ever!

    Thanks for linking up!

  2. Haha, I said the same thing about summer! I'm not much of a fan of it's hot days but the nights, now that's a different story since I can't burn. Starbucks passion tea is my favorite, especially when it's paired with their lemonade & a squirt of raspberry :)

    Thanks for linking up with us.

  3. OMG, that pool looks AMAZING right now!!!

  4. I burn easy too. and it's way too hot in Oklahoma to enjoy outdoor activities. at. all. so floatin' in the pool and drinkin' adult beverages is about as good as it gets for me. Do you make your own lemonade??

  5. I know! I want to go swimming so bad, I think I've said it once a day lately.

  6. Thanks for hosting and swinging by!

  7. Thanks! I made the switch last night, I was up until 3am getting it all figured out. I'm tired!

  8. I don't make my own but there's nothing betting then fresh squeezed lemonade. I normally just buy Country Time or something like that.

  9. I liked all your pics....that pool looks so awesome. I like summer too,,,,but indoors where the AC is on and cool! Heat and me do not mix well as I am sure you can remember.

  10. I completely remember and I don't mix well with heat either. I am not a fan, at all!
