
Giveaway Winner!

Congrats Madeline, you won the giveaway!

Madeline, I emailed you with the giveaway information!
Thanks to everyone who entered! I'm sure there will be another giveaway soon!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Friday's Letters

Dear Friday, I could jump up and down and shout for joy that you are here. Working 7 days straight is not fun at all but being able to enjoy the weekend is amazing! Dear work, I hope you know you aren't going to win, I'm putting on my big girl panties and I'm getting the job done, and I'm gonna be good at it, just wait and see! Dear The Mr., I hope you enjoyed your vacation, busy times are coming and you deserve to just relax and do things for yourself. Have I told you that I love you? Dear Mama, I'm so glad that you had a good birthday, you deserve it! Thanks for being born and being my mother. Dear BFF who lives too far away, please know that I miss you so so much and wish I could spend a whole day with you. I can not wait to see you and hug you in Vegas. God damn it, I miss you! (excuse me while I wipe my tears away.) Dear Weekend, please go by slow and please be hot so I can go swimming!



Birchbox Brag (July 2012)

I've been getting Birchboxes since May and it's something I've looked forward to everything month! What's a Birchbox you ask? Well, for $10.00 a month you get a cute little box in the mail that contains 4-5 samples of products that fit you based on a survey you fill out.

I've been wanting to share what I get in my box but didn't know exactly what to post and of course, I found a fun link up for it!

Here's my July 2012 Birchbox!

What's inside? (info taken from the Birchbox website)

Jouer Luminizing Moisture Tint - Our entire team (minus the manfolk) is obsessed with Jouer’s Luminizing Moisture Tint and we're not alone — Allure recently gave the product its coveted "Best in Beauty" seal. The oil-free formula feels positively weightless on but gives you plenty of even coverage. Skin looks soft and dewy and, thanks to SPF 20, you’ll be extra protected from the sun.

Eysko Skinny Liquid Eyeliner - Twiggy fans, rejoice: this London-based brand’s liquid liners let you create mod looks in a flash. Rather than frustrating us with hard-to-control brush tips, they feature a pen-style applicator that’s completely goofproof. Give your basic black a break and experiment with rich Olive or punchy Turquoise. They're guaranteed to make your eyes pop.

boscia Green Tea Blotting Linens - Forget the blue plastic sheets of bygone years—it’s time to go green. These all-natural blotting sheets soak up oil and sweat without smearing your makeup. Each pack contains 100 sheets, enough to last you for months and months. Keep them stashed in your handbag at all times to ensure that your complexion always looks fresh, never greasy.

Oscar de la Renta live in love - Legendary fashion designer Oscar de la Renta knows what women want. In addition to designing dreamy dresses, this sartorial pioneer has perfected the art of fragrance. Featuring lovely notes like jasmine sambac, rose, ginger orchid, and amber, this modern-meets-classic scent features a bounty of botanical aromas that tug at our romantic side.

LÄRABAR® über - Mid-day snacking just got a lot less guilt-ridden thanks to LÄRABAR®’s addictive treats. These healthy bars fulfill sweet and salty cravings while keeping our tummies full (and extremely happy) until our next meal. Each soft, gooey bar packs plenty of texture and flavor, thanks to nuts, dried fruit, and other natural ingredients. Roasted Nut Roll is a decadent blend of crunchy nuts, while the dessert-inspired Apple Turnover, Bananas Foster, and Cherry Cobbler flavors evoke Grandma’s recipes.

Birchbox Exclusive Earbuds - Whether we’re jogging through the park or powering through a laptop session, earbuds are one of our constant accessories. So we started thinking: why stick with the same boring white pair we’ve been using for years? We designed these custom pink and green or pink and blue neon earbuds so we can rock out to our favorite tunes in style. They’re extra-durable and extra-comfy—now that’s music to our ears.

My thoughts?
There hasn't been a box that I haven't liked but I really liked this box! My favorite part was the blotting linens and ear buds. They must have known I was wanting a new of pair of headphones. I don't wear much make up and honestly have no experience with eye liner and all that jazz, so I'll probably give my eyeliner away, but it looks nice. Live in Love smells nice but I won't be going out and buying it tomorrow or anything, I'll save this sample for a rainy day though! As for the LÄRABAR® über, I got Cherry Cobbler. It was really good, it kind of reminded me of the Kind Bars we have at work, which I really like! Overall, I really liked this months box.

Want to sign up for your own Birchbox? Click this link!


All You Need To Know About Me

Today I am linking up with Becky who blogs over at From Mrs. to Mama. I found this link up from reading a few other blogs and I just couldn't pass it up!

1. How long have you been blogging? And what got you started on blogging? Has your blog changed?
I've been blogging since May 2010, I started blogging because I was a nanny and wanted to document what we did from day to day and The Mr. and I had just really gotten serious and I wanted to write about it. My blog started out as Lil' Bit of Sunshine and then changed to A Dab of Abby.

2. Did you go to college? If so where, and what did you study?
Oh man, have I ever gone to college. I started out at Northwest Nazarene University in Napa, Idaho, I then transferred to Northwest University in Kirkland, Washington. From there, I took the summer off and came home and I realized school was expensive so I decided to say home and go to community college. So that fall I started to Columbia Basin College in Pasco, Washington. I got caught up in relationships and living on my own and stopped going. I then moved to Seattle and started to attend online school at University of Phoenix but never finished my degree. Did you follow all of that?

3. Where have you traveled?
I've been to California, Texas, Nevada, Idaho, Oregon, Montana, Canada and Mexico.

4. If you won the lottery, what would be the first thing you would buy?
First and foremost, I would pay off my debt and then pay for our wedding. With the left over money, I would buy us a house and then invest in the rest of the money.

5. What are your 3 biggest pet peeves?
I can't stand annoying drivers, when people call you, you don't answer and then you call them RIGHT back and they don't answer, and double standards.

6. What is your favorite movie?
Love & Basketball

7. What is your drink of choice; wine, beer, or liquor. Or Water, Soda, Tea?
All of it! Seriously, I love me some wine, it always makes me feel so sophicated. I love beer too! I can stand some liquor especially if it's mixed with some soda. I drink water all day at work, but I'm sure I still don't drink enough. If you follow my blog, you know that I'm a tea drinker too!

8. What is something you enjoy to do when you have me time?
Depends on my mood, sometimes I'll sit in silence and read some blogs or I'll go out and get a mani/pedi. Just depends.

9. If you could have a $10,000 shopping spree to one store, which store would it be?
Lane Bryant and the Apple Store

10. Share with us an embarrassing moment of your past? Or present.
When I was in college (NNU) a friend came up behind and scared the crap out of me. I was standing up and jumped so high that I fell off the bleachers and broke my ankle. It was during a basketball game and everyone in the gym saw me. So embarassing!

11. What day would you love to relive again?
The day The Mr. asked me to marry him, it was perfect! We were surrounded by our parents and I wouldn't change anything about it!

12. If your life was turned into a movie... what actor would play you?
I get told this all the time, at least by my parents, but it would probably have to be Veruca Salt from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. You know, the "I WANT IT NOWWWWWWWW" girl! ;-)

13. What are the jobs you had in high school/college/the early years?
My first job was at Subway and it was when I was in college and living on my own.

14. Show us a picture from high school or college.
Here's one of my senior pictures

15. If you could travel anywhere in the world, all expenses paid, where would you go?
Bora Bora, hands down!

16. Show us the most current picture of you or you, or your family, or anything of meaning to you.
Most recent picture of The Mr. and me.

17. Where do you see your life 5 years from now?
Married with (hopefully) 2 children, living in a beautiful house and living the dream!

P.S. I guest posted today over at Crazy Beautiful Life. Make sure you stop by and leave some love!

One Day at a Time

I just spent the last thirty minutes on Twitter looking at #baristaproblems. I'm sure I could have done something a little more productive with those thirty minutes but it was refreshing to read all of those. Refreshing? Yes, because it's always nice to see that other baristas go through the same stuff that I do on a daily basis. It almost makes me appreciate my job a little more.

I've posted a few times about work and how it's been a struggle for a little while. I think it's safe to say that things are getting better. I'm taking one day at a time and learning to let the little things go, I find myself saying "it is what it is" a lot and I remind myself that this is only temporary. I'm closing a lot so I don't get to make dinner or do all of those housewife things that I really want to do but The Mr. helps a lot and is always willing to pick up my slack.

I remind myself daily that I need to be thankful that I have a job because a lot of people don't have a job and would love to have mine. I remind myself that with these rough days I am growing as a person, and that tomorrow is always a new day. I am always grateful of the good days and try not to dwell on the bad.

It really is getting better everyday.
If you haven't gone over to my new Wordpress blog, you're missing out because I'm hosting a GIVEAWAY!


In honor of me making the big switch over to Wordpress, I decided to host my very first giveaway! I am very excited and hope you run and tell everyone about it, unless of course, you just want to keep all the prizes for yourself, then I totally understand.

I wish I had something huge and great to giveaway but then shipping would be way too much so I decided to keep it simple and small, but I still think it's great!

This giveaway is for: 1 mini set of my favorite scent from Bath and Body Works and of course a $10.00 Starbucks gift card!Who doesn't like to smell good and drink coffee?

So, what are you waiting for? Get your entries in and tell all your friends!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


....just to Wordpress, but


Friday's Letters

Dear Friday, please go slow. You are my last day off before having to work seven days straight and it would just be nice to enjoy the day. Dear The Mr., I am so glad you have today off, there isn't anything I rather do then spend the day with you. I love you! Dear July, I know you technically are one those hot Summer months but I'm ready for some cooler days. I can not wait for Fall! Dear ErinCondren.com, I love my new planner so much, I have not been able to put it down since I got it.

Dear Wordpress, I am so glad I finally switched over, you make my heart so happy! Dear next seven days, please hurry up and get over with, thanks.



Blogging on Wordpress

I decided to make the switch! I am now blogging over at Wordpress and I would be ever so grateful if you would follow me over there! You can stay up to date by liking me on Facebook, following me on Twitter, or subscribing via email over at A Dab of Abby.

If you swing by the new blog, please make sure you leave a comment letting me know!


Favorite Things About Summer

I'm so excited about this first link up hosted by Natalie, Linny and Kailyn! This weeks topic is all about Summer and all the great things that come with it!

I won't lie though, I'm really not a big fan of Summer, I hate hate hate being hot and I sunburn way too easily, but something about those late Summer nights and cool dips in the pool make me almost love this season.

Here are a few of my favorite things about summer!

[gallery link="file" order="DESC"]

Besides becoming a lobster most of the time, I really do enjoy Summer. Once this 100+ degree days go away, I can enjoy it a little more.

What are your favorite things about Summer?


Just one of those days....

It was one of those days yesterday, one little thing made my whole day go down the drain and I just couldn't bounce back from it. I tried to go to bed early but I failed and ended up tossing and turning and was up until wee hours of the morning. When the alarm went off this morning, I knew I needed something to help me get through the day and not focus on yesterday.

Pinterest.com to the rescue! I'm a sucker for a good quote, something that will help me realize that it's all going to be okay and that my attitude and outlook on life yesterday was just temporary. So that's what I searched for and I found some good ones, too good not to share or post so I can have and reflect on later.

                                                                                   Source: etsy.com via Abby on Pinterest

                                                                                 Source: imgfave.com via Abby on Pinterest

                                                                           Source: basketbike.tumblr.com via Abby on Pinterest

                                                                        Source: jac-losingit.tumblr.com via Abby on Pinterest

                                                                                     Source: via Abby on Pinterest

Sometimes and Always

Sometimes: My iPhone is so slow I just want to throw it against the wall.
Always: I wouldn't know what to do without the dang thing!

Sometimes: I hate Facebook, all those "like this if you agree" pictures drive me crazy.
Always: I just can't seem to get rid of it, I feel like I would miss something important.

Sometimes: I get so wrapped up in my day to day life, I forget to blog.
Always: I'm grateful for my readers and always want to have something important to say.

Sometimes: I want to go on a shopping spree.
Always: Remind myself of what's important and pay my bills.

Sometimes: I stay up until the wee hours of morning catching up on T.V.
Always: Sleep in until noon, like I did today. someecards.com - Mondays are even harder now that I have to stay up until 3 a.m. to finish watching Sunday night TV.

Friday's Letters

Dear 4th of July, thanks for being a great one this year! Your weather was perfect, the food was amazing and the company was pretty splendid! Dear The Mr., thanks for putting up with my family this week, I wish we could spend more time with your family too but know my family loves you tons! Dear sun, thanks for finally making your appearance and thanks for the sunburn. Dear Blogger, the way you don't allow me to arrange my pictures is really annoying, please do something about that or I'm switching to Wordpress! Dear self, you should probably get more sleep, there's no reason to be staying up so late! Dear bloggers, thanks for stopping by! Make sure you leave some love so I can return the favor. :-)


My week according to Instagram

Emma Lee before the 4th of July parade
Maria & Emma Lee
Start of the parade
Maria and Emma Lee baking
The Mr. cooking
The Mr. & me
My sisters and me
Happy 4th of July
Splash park!
Emma Lee & Loryn
Beautiful Loryn Martha


10 things I should be embarrassed to admit....but I'm not!

1) I love watching The Bachelorette, something about watching a ton of men fight over one girl enlightens me. I don't watch The Bachelor or any other of those dating shows, but I do love The Bachelorette.

2) I talk to and treat Rambo like a child. Sometimes I say things to him and think "did I really just tell a dog that?" He understands me though, I swear.
3) I drink more tea then coffee and I work at Starbucks. Please don't judge me!
4) I have a sweet tooth. After eating a meal, I always want something sweet. It's horrible.

5) I trust people too easily and because of that, I feel like I've been burned a lot but you live and you learn.

6) My new motto has been "it is what it is." I say it for everything and I try to really live those words. I can't change what's been done.

7) I could eat ranch with just about anything. It really is so good!

8) I'm in the middle of reading Fifty Shades Darker and I just can't seem to get into anymore.

9) I have a tendency to buy a lot of things such as body washes and then not use them and then give them away.

10) I miss watching So You Think You Can Dance with my sister. We used to stay up late, eat very unhealthy food and watch the show. Here's one of our favorite routines....
Usually hosted at Mom 2 Memphis and Ruby but hosted at The Eloping Stethoscope until August!