
Friday's Letters

Dear weekend, pleasure seeing you again! I am so glad I have another weekend off, I have to take advantage of this! Dear Sister Rita, you are so beautiful and so deserving of someone who will treat you like a queen, never ever forget that. Dear Sister Maria, I am forever proud of you. Dear The Mr., thanks for always supporting me and pushing me to make the best out of my work situation. Your words of wisdom mean a lot to me, even if I don't show it at the time. Dear March, please hurry up!



It's the little things

It would be safe to say that there are a few little things in life that I love; I love coffee (Starbucks, please), water bottles, purses and planners. There's a little place in my heart made for planners, anytime I see one that is super cute, I think I need it and I have to have it.

Back in January I wrote about a planner that I had found and had fallen in love with. I was going to use it to stay more organized and help plan my days a little better. I loved the planner and tried to use it but often times it felt too bulky and I just couldn't get into using it. I've probably only used it twice since I put it together and it just sits in my corner by the couch and collects dust. (Anyone want it?)

2012 planner NOT being used!
The other day I was relaxing and browsing some blogs and came across this post at Crazy Beautiful Life. Holy moly, I was instantly in love and I had to have everything from erincondren.com. Seriously, especially that dang Life Planner. (I promise I'm done with links now)

That dang planner stole my heart and if you were to ask The Mr. it's probably all I talked about for two or three days. "The planner this....the planner that." "If I had that planner we wouldn't be double booked for this weekend!" Yes, I really did say that. I would be willing to spend my savings on that planner, that's how bad I needed that dang thing!

Okay, I wouldn't spend my savings but I would dig deep and beg and plead a little bit to get my hands on that planner, and that's exactly what I did! I'm sure The Mr. bought it for me to shut me up but oh man, I can not wait to get my new planner! I even had to dance like the people from the video below to convince him that I would put this planner to use!

You can bet your bottom dollar though, I danced and I jumped and I clapped and I got my planner! I can not wait until I can get my hands on it! What a wonderful day that will be!

**I should add that I wasn't paid anything or asked to write this blog. I really truly do love this planner and I'm pretty sure you need one too!


Sometimes and Always

Sometimes: I dream of days where I have little ones running around and I'm busy like a bee.
Always: Wake up from my dream and am thankful for quiet days and moments where it's just The Mr. and me.

Sometimes: I wish I always knew what to make for dinner.
Always: I know I always figure it out, but I wish I was like a food blog and had never ending ideas. 

Sometimes: I wish I was more organized.
Always: It doesn't take long for me to snap back into reality and remember I'm human. 

Sometimes: I miss being a kid.
Always: Remembering the fun times my sisters and I had as kids.

Sometimes: I worry so much about being a good future wife.
Always: No matter what, The Mr. reminds me that he loves me. Even on my worst days.

Sometimes: I wish I could sleep all day without feeling guilty.
Always: Set my alarm for early in the morning but find myself waking up at 9am.
P.S: Remember how I said I was going to paint my nails? Well, I did and I'm so sad that I have to take it off for work later today. I even went crazy and added a little party nail style!
P.P.S: I've been thinking about hosting a giveaway, stay tuned! :-)

Falling behind

The past couple of weeks have been a bit hard. Work hasn't been all that great, I feel like I'm falling behind at home with every day chores and just staying above water. I was really starting to get down on myself about it too, I needed to find that happy medium and I needed to find it fast.

I thought that maybe I was taking on too much at work, maybe I need to cut my hours back, step down to just a barista; I even thought about finding a whole new job. Not being home at night really gets to me. I want to be able to cook dinner, clean the kitchen and relax with The Mr. and because I work retail, being able to do that kind of stuff is really hard. I probably could find a new job but I just started to accumulate paid time off and the medical benefits are really good so really it would be stupid if I found another job.

So I really had to do some deep soul searching and realized I just needed to buck up and do what I have to do. If another job opportunity comes my way that offers all those things but with better hours, I'll take it, but for now, I just have to deal. So, I'm dealing and trying to roll with the punches.

As for home, I realized I can't let work interfere with what I'm doing at home. I'm not saying I do all the work because The Mr. really helps me out around the house but sometimes he does more then I think he should. I'm probably being really sexist here, but I believe that keeping the house clean and tidy is my job, and I don't want to fail at it.

So being a good future house wife, I went to Pinterest and looked up easy and fun ways to keep the house clean throughout the week rather then just spending one whole day cleaning the house. Of course, I found all kinds of ideas that I would love to use, but I'll have to save them for when we have children because a lot of them don't apply to us. But I did find one that I've already printed out and started. It's very easy, very simple and it gets the important stuff done on a daily basis, which was important to me. I've  printed it out and stuck it to the refrigerator!

                                                                             Source: tipsandpix.com via Abby on Pinterest

Finding joy in these little things have been hard the past couple of weeks but I kept telling myself that I'm lucky to have a job and a roof over my head. 

Friday's Letters

Dear photographers, I've only seen 13 of the many pictures you took this weekend and I'm so in love. Thank you for capturing The Mr. and I and showing our love. I can't wait to see the rest! Dear Mom, I know I don't tell you enough, but I love you! I wish I was able to make it to Othello more often but I love our time together. Dear work, I'm so glad this week was a better week! I hope next week is just as  great! Dear The Mr., you had such a long week, especially having to be at work at 4am this morning. I hope you know that you make me so proud and even though you're snoring right now, I still love you! Dear self, please stop using the word "bro", it's really annoying.


Engagement Picture Preview

Here's a little preview of our engagement pictures! We had so much fun taking these pictures and of the few we've seen, I'm in love with them! Enjoy!

If only......

This whole nail painting craze is really getting to me. I want to paint my nails so stinking bad! I actually got to paint my nails for our engagement pictures over the weekend but had to take it off Sunday morning since I had to work. I won't lie, not being able to paint my nails is a big disappointment sometimes, but I get it, people don't want paint chips in their lattes.

So, to feed my craving, here are some pretty awesome nail arts I would do if I could paint my nails. I did decide that since I have tomorrow off, I'm going to find an awesome nail polish and as soon as I get off of work on Friday, I'm painting these dang nails! Thank God for three day weekends!
                                                                     Source: chloesnails.blogspot.com via Abby on Pinterest

                                                                      Source: ohyeahprettynails.tumblr.com via Abby on Pinterest

                                                                              Source: iknowhair.com via Abby on Pinterest

                                                                            Source: thelooksforless.com via Abby on Pinterest

                                                              Source: the-polished-perfectionist.blogspot.com via Abby on Pinterest

                                                                           Source: wanderwithstyle.com via Abby on Pinterest

Friday's Letters

I am so excited for this link up! A few of the blogs I read link up with this and I've always wanted to do it. So I figured, why not? So here we go with my first Friday's Letters!Dear Weekend, I am so excited for you to be here. I can't wait to spend time with my family, even if it's only for a day and half. Dear The Mr., thank you for being such a sport about these engagement pictures. I know you hate taking pictures but they mean a lot to me and I know they are going to turn out GREAT! Dear best friend, I miss you oh so much and I wish I could just hop on a plane and visit you. Can't wait to see you in Vegas! Dear self, please remember that tomorrow is another day and things will always be okay. Work will get better, things will work out and life is pretty amazing. Dear customers, it's just coffee. Dear laundry, fold yourself already! Geez! Dear Daddy, thank you for being an amazing Dad! I love you very much and hope you have a great Father's Day!


Picture was taken by my cousin and is our Grandma's mailbox. I love this picture and thought it was perfect for Friday's Letters!


"It's Ok" Thursday

I decided to jump on a few weekly link up's and I thought I would start today! There are a few that I've ran across that I really enjoy reading and thought this weeks was fitting for the way I've been feeling.
It's Ok.....
that  I hate folding laundry and it's currently sitting on top of the dryer.
that it takes me a few weeks to finish a book, I read when I have time or feel like reading.
that I always think I need a new purse!
that I never know what to cook for dinner, I really need to start making a menu again.
that I often sleep until I have to get up. I love sleep!
that I'm not really happy with my job right now. I know things are going to work out though.
that I look at my wedding dress a few times a week.
that I have a sock problem and leave my socks on the living room floor....all the time!

and finally.....
It's Ok
that while I was writing this, I should have really been folding that laundry! 

New Looks

I changed my look again! I loved my old layout but it was getting much to much for me. Don't worry, I saved it and who knows, maybe someday I'll switch back to it but I was craving something simple and easy on the eye. I got rid of some of my widgets on the side and just cleaned things up a bit. I'm loving it! I wonder how many times I've changed my layout since I started blogging. I'm sure it's like 1487 times.

Anyway, to update on the home front, The Mr. and I got a new bed and I won't lie, it's pretty dang comfortable. The bed that we had before was originally The Mr.'s and he's had it for a long time. Springs were poking out where they really shouldn't be, the bed was bowed out in certain areas and it just really wasn't that comfortable. I can't complain though, I had the better side and The Mr. often slept on the couch because his side was that uncomfortable.

We both really wanted a new bed for awhile now and it really was to the point where we were just fed up with it! Apparently holidays like Memorial Day and Labor Day furniture stores have a great deals! The Mr. went into Sleep City one evening when I was at work, fell in love with one of their beds and the next day I went in to try it out. He ended up finding a really good deal online which the sales man agreed to meet and the rest is history!

We had to wait a few weeks for the bed to come in but it's finally here and we love it; even Rambo loves it! Sometimes I find him sprawled out horizontally between us taking up all the room between The Mr. and I. He's so silly!

We got a new bed set (for a stinking great deal, if I might add) and the bed looks beautiful in our room! What do you think?

Looking Good!

After blogging 31 days straight, okay, I missed a day or two, but still, I felt like I needed to take a quick break from blogging. Not because I'm super busy or anything but I just didn't really feel like sitting down and writing. I enjoyed the blog challenge but I'm not sure if I would do another one for 31 days straight again. Maybe every other day or something.

Anyway, somewhere in those 31 days, I posted a picture of The Mr. and I and it said we were going to tie the knot in Las Vegas. Well, it's true, we are! March 23rd 2013, to be exact! I am so excited and happy we made the change and I sort of kind of wish it was tomorrow. I'm not trying to rush anything, but I just can't wait to say "I Do" in Vegas with all my favorite friends and family. I can't wait to walk down in the strip in my wedding dress and and I can't wait to just party and have fun!

We've kind of changed everything and went from one extreme of a wedding to another. Before I was shooting for an elegant almost formal wedding and now we're having a fun semi formal wedding. We changed our wedding colors and of course, we changed our wedding date. We did not want to be get married in Vegas in the dead of Summer when it's normally 100+ degrees during the day. We're going to settle for 70+ and call it a day!

We've ordered our save the dates, we're taking engagement pictures this weekend and since I blogged last, I tried my dress on again and I still love it! The best part about it is that it still fits me!

We're also headed over to my parents house this weekend to celebrate Father's day and hopefully get a little R&R in. I can't wait!

Things are looking good....especially for this guy right here!!!