
It's the little things

It would be safe to say that there are a few little things in life that I love; I love coffee (Starbucks, please), water bottles, purses and planners. There's a little place in my heart made for planners, anytime I see one that is super cute, I think I need it and I have to have it.

Back in January I wrote about a planner that I had found and had fallen in love with. I was going to use it to stay more organized and help plan my days a little better. I loved the planner and tried to use it but often times it felt too bulky and I just couldn't get into using it. I've probably only used it twice since I put it together and it just sits in my corner by the couch and collects dust. (Anyone want it?)

2012 planner NOT being used!
The other day I was relaxing and browsing some blogs and came across this post at Crazy Beautiful Life. Holy moly, I was instantly in love and I had to have everything from erincondren.com. Seriously, especially that dang Life Planner. (I promise I'm done with links now)

That dang planner stole my heart and if you were to ask The Mr. it's probably all I talked about for two or three days. "The planner this....the planner that." "If I had that planner we wouldn't be double booked for this weekend!" Yes, I really did say that. I would be willing to spend my savings on that planner, that's how bad I needed that dang thing!

Okay, I wouldn't spend my savings but I would dig deep and beg and plead a little bit to get my hands on that planner, and that's exactly what I did! I'm sure The Mr. bought it for me to shut me up but oh man, I can not wait to get my new planner! I even had to dance like the people from the video below to convince him that I would put this planner to use!

You can bet your bottom dollar though, I danced and I jumped and I clapped and I got my planner! I can not wait until I can get my hands on it! What a wonderful day that will be!

**I should add that I wasn't paid anything or asked to write this blog. I really truly do love this planner and I'm pretty sure you need one too!

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