
"It's Ok" Thursday

I decided to jump on a few weekly link up's and I thought I would start today! There are a few that I've ran across that I really enjoy reading and thought this weeks was fitting for the way I've been feeling.
It's Ok.....
that  I hate folding laundry and it's currently sitting on top of the dryer.
that it takes me a few weeks to finish a book, I read when I have time or feel like reading.
that I always think I need a new purse!
that I never know what to cook for dinner, I really need to start making a menu again.
that I often sleep until I have to get up. I love sleep!
that I'm not really happy with my job right now. I know things are going to work out though.
that I look at my wedding dress a few times a week.
that I have a sock problem and leave my socks on the living room floor....all the time!

and finally.....
It's Ok
that while I was writing this, I should have really been folding that laundry! 


  1. LOL! You spoke the truth. You have always hated folding laundry and since you could walk you had to have a purse. I love all these things about you, because that is what makes you special! I love you.........Mom

  2. Haha! I feel the same way - I HATE folding laundry, and I LOVE sleeping! Found you through the link up :)

  3. I love sleep too! Is there anyone who doesn't? I fit in a nap today and it changed my whole day around! :)

  4. Thanks Mom! I love you too and thanks for always allowing me to be me!

  5. Meagan Willhite , thanks for stopping by! The laundry is still sitting on the dryer. I was going to fold it when I got home from work but decided to catch up on some TV shows. :-) Tomorrow's another day, right?

  6. Alyssa ,  yes! I love naps too! 
