
An Update

I have been slacking big time in the blog world. Since the start of the year, we have been busy and our schedules have been crazier then normal. I think things are finally slowing down and getting back to the norm, or maybe it's just the fact that we can't go anyway because of this crazy weather! Whatever it may be, things are good and life is great!

Since my last post, we found our venue for the wedding and I found my wedding dress! We aren't planning on getting married until 2013, but I couldn't wait to find a dress and when I put this one on, I knew it was the one!  My mom, my sister (Maid of Honor) and one of my bridesmaids went with me last Saturday to try on dresses, we had a great time and they all agreed that the dress I picked was the one! I don't plan on sharing pictures of it or letting people know what it looks like, only because I want to surprise people when I walk down the isle.

I have also started to watch what I'm eating again and I joined a gym. I'm really excited about the new gym; it's an all women's, 24 hour gym. They offer classes which include Zumba (I'm very excited about that!) and have personal trainers. Even though I know my dress fits me right now, I still want to lose some weight so my dress looks amazing on me and I'll feel great on my wedding day.

I am planning on putting some post together of the DIY projects I made as Christmas gifts. I think they turned out great! Those should be up in the next couple of days.

I have the weekend off and I'm looking forward to it! It's always nice to be able to spend time with The Mr., get some work done around the house and more then likely get some good R&R in.

I'll try to be better at posting, but remember, no news is normally good news, right?


  1. The dress is the most important part! Other then the groom of course.

    1. Yeah, it would be important if he stopped by! :-)
