I read a lot of blogs and through that I have networked with a lot of different people. A few of them have become great friends that I hope to actually meet someday but that's a whole different story. With all the blogs that I read, I have found that they are very similar, a few being giveaway blogs and the majority of them are women blogging about their daily life. All of the woman are so creative, so great with their words and almost all of them take amazing pictures.
Everyday I make time to check in on my reading list and catch up on blogs, and most the time I walk away feeling inspired or feel like I have learned something through them. Other days, I walk away feeling bad about myself. I want to be that creative, I want to learn to take pictures like that and I want to inspire everyone with my words. When I start to feel like that, I shut my computer and walk away and try to do something productive.
I dream of the day where I'll have hundreds of blog followers, and I blog about the project I just finished with amazing pictures, and I inspire someone to create something of their own.
I dream of the day where I'll blog about my family and post cute pictures of my children.
I dream of the day where I can share my knowledge about designing and coding blogs with my readers and I can post tutorials and they learn something from me.
As I walk away from the computer I realize that all these blogs inspire me to be creative and I've learned so much from them. They don't even know it but these woman have given me so many different ideas; from cooking/baking to home decor, to how to organize my life better.
Through them, I believe I'm a better person. I wish I could thank them.
What blogs inspire you to be a better person? Where do you get your creative ideas from?
You know, sometimes I dream and wish for the same thing: to be as creative as those DIY moms who create and post all of their projects and pictures...and yes it does inspire me too, but like you I sometimes also leave with the " I wish I could do that..." but then I look at my own life and realize it isn't the right time for that-- I have a job that takes up about 9 hours of my day, 5 times a week, and errands to run between getting home and sleeping. Weekends are sometimes filled with chores or the occasional hanging out with friends, going to the movies, date nights, etc...so I embrace that and think " One day, I'll have the time to do all those projects and take pictures of my children and share them...when I can retire from the workforce and dedicate my time to family and DIY projects" But not yet. And then I smile and think that when I'm doing all of that, I'll think back to today when I work those 9 hours a day, run errands, hang out with friends, etc and I'll miss it. :0) That's what being a woman is all about!