

I believe that planning has taken over our lives (or at least mine). I feel like I'm breathing, eating and sleeping wedding right now. I'm sure most of it has to do with excitement of it all but honestly, I'm a planner by nature and now all I want to do is plan.

We have a tentative date set, but we don't plan on sharing that until we know for sure. I have picked out my colors, picked my bridesmaids (they don't know who they are yet), looked at a few locations, talked to two photographers, talked to someone about save the dates and invites, and most importantly The Mr. and I have talked about the budget. Nothing is set in stone yet other then colors and the court, everything could change tomorrow or even later today.

On Sunday, my sister and I are going to a bridal show. I'm so excited! I hope to get a ton of ideas and meet a lot of vendors.

In the mean time, The Mr. and I have enjoyed some quality time with parents and have been enjoying the engagement. So far, for me, the best part is having people notice my ring and get excited about me being engaged. I interact with people all day long, so having customers notice has been fun!

I know I've said it before, but I still can't believe that I'm literally planning my wedding. Someone pinch me.

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