Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas from The Mr., Grandma and me! I hope each and everyone of you had an amazing holiday and that you were surrounded by loved ones!
Aloha Friday
In Hawaii, an Aloha Friday is a day to relax and get ready for the weekend. So on Fridays Kaliani from An Island Life takes it easy and asks a simple question on her blog and I decided to join in on the fun! Feel free to head over to An Island Life, answer her question, link up and ask your own question! (Don't forget to answer my question for you!)
Here's my question for you:
What is on your Christmas list this year?
Wordless Wednesday - Tis' the Season!
We made a gingerbread house at work today! Of course we had to do it in between customers, so when I left at 1:30, this is how far we had gotten. I can't wait to see it when I go to work tomorrow!
Aloha Friday
In Hawaii, an Aloha Friday is a day to relax and get ready for the weekend. So on Friday's Kaliani from An Island Life takes it easy and asks simple question on her blog and I decided to join in on the fun! Feel free to head over to An Island Life, answer her question, link up and ask your own question! (Don't forget to answer my question for you!)
Here's my question for you:
What is your favorite Christmas memory?
Christmas Cards and Naps
My goal today was to get my Christmas cards prepped and ready to be sent out, you see, I have the envelopes and I'm just waiting for the cards to come in. My dear friend April from April Showers designed my cards for me this year; I don't know if any of you have seen her work, but she's amazing and so creative! Anyway, the cards were suppose to come in today via UPS and when I heard the truck pull up, I couldn't hold my excitement back, I was waiting for him with the door open but I quickly realized he only had one single package for me. I was so bummed!
I quickly contacted April and we tracked the package and found out that there had been an exception on the shipment due to a "transportation accident." That doesn't sound good at all! After a few calls to UPS and with a little sternness, we figured out that my package is currently being towed to a new location and I'll be updated within one to two business days.
Needless to say, my goal for today wasn't accomplished, my Christmas cards on stuck in the back of a UPS truck and I'm one sad panda.
So instead of getting my Christmas cards ready, I decided to take a nap. It was a much needed nap though, so it was nice.
Things are coming together for our New Year's visitors. The Mr. ordered a very nice blow up mattress this afternoon and sometime soon we'll head to the store to get a shower rod, shower curtain and some new towels. I hope I can throw some new towels in there for myself! I love new towels!
You might noticed that I changed my blog layout again, I really wasn't planning on doing that, but a reader informed me that in my tag line, I had "of me" written twice, and instead of fixing it, I just decided to find an awesome premade layout and use it. I'll eventually get something a little more personable, but this will have to do for the time being.
I need to start thinking about my New Years resolution, do you have one yet?
I quickly contacted April and we tracked the package and found out that there had been an exception on the shipment due to a "transportation accident." That doesn't sound good at all! After a few calls to UPS and with a little sternness, we figured out that my package is currently being towed to a new location and I'll be updated within one to two business days.
Needless to say, my goal for today wasn't accomplished, my Christmas cards on stuck in the back of a UPS truck and I'm one sad panda.
So instead of getting my Christmas cards ready, I decided to take a nap. It was a much needed nap though, so it was nice.
Things are coming together for our New Year's visitors. The Mr. ordered a very nice blow up mattress this afternoon and sometime soon we'll head to the store to get a shower rod, shower curtain and some new towels. I hope I can throw some new towels in there for myself! I love new towels!
You might noticed that I changed my blog layout again, I really wasn't planning on doing that, but a reader informed me that in my tag line, I had "of me" written twice, and instead of fixing it, I just decided to find an awesome premade layout and use it. I'll eventually get something a little more personable, but this will have to do for the time being.
I need to start thinking about my New Years resolution, do you have one yet?
I am so excited! I am officially done Christmas shopping and officially done making presents! I can not wait to share my projects and I really wish I could do so right now, but some of my readers are getting the DIY gifts, and that would ruin the surprise.
It feels really good to be done shopping, we just have a few gifts left to come in and a few left to wrap and we'll be set!
The Mr. and I decided to do stockings for each other but set it to a $30.00 spending limit. I went and got all his goodies today, so his stocking is nice and full. I did spend a little more then $30.00, but he doesn't need to know that. ;-)
Yesterday we took some time to clear out the back bedroom to get it ready for The Mr.'s parents. They are coming to ring in the New Year with us! I'm excited and nervous all at the same time. It's not the first time meeting them, but it's the first time having them in our place. I just want to make sure they feel welcomed and comfortable. Having guests is nerve racking!
Christmas will be here before I know it! Have I mentioned how excited I am? I think over the next couple of weeks, I'll get some holiday baking in! Speaking of, I can not wait to have some of my Mom's Christmas candy!
What are some of your favorite holiday things?
It feels really good to be done shopping, we just have a few gifts left to come in and a few left to wrap and we'll be set!
The Mr. and I decided to do stockings for each other but set it to a $30.00 spending limit. I went and got all his goodies today, so his stocking is nice and full. I did spend a little more then $30.00, but he doesn't need to know that. ;-)
Yesterday we took some time to clear out the back bedroom to get it ready for The Mr.'s parents. They are coming to ring in the New Year with us! I'm excited and nervous all at the same time. It's not the first time meeting them, but it's the first time having them in our place. I just want to make sure they feel welcomed and comfortable. Having guests is nerve racking!
Christmas will be here before I know it! Have I mentioned how excited I am? I think over the next couple of weeks, I'll get some holiday baking in! Speaking of, I can not wait to have some of my Mom's Christmas candy!
What are some of your favorite holiday things?
Keeping Calm
As much as I love this time of year, I have found myself so stressed out. I've been worrying about all the little things that really shouldn't matter, like who's getting what, how much we're spending, what I should or shouldn't be doing, the weather (like I really have any control over that) and any other little thing that can simply bother me.
Some people say it's the grey, dreary weather that is causing this, some people say I need to cut back on the caffeine, or I need to lose weight or I'm being ungrateful. Whatever it is, it sucks. I really do enjoy this time of year and I really am happy and I really do hate feeling like this.
I'm sure I'm not the only one feeling the stresses of the Holidays; it's funny how such meaningful times of the year can cause so much stress, but I'm going to fight it and beat it down. Nothing else is going to get me down!
I can't help if the weather is not on my side, I can't help it if no one likes the gift I give them and I can't help it if I'm broke at the end of the month (just kidding), but I can make sure that I'm happy and enjoying this wonderful time of the year! When I found this on Pinterest, I knew I needed to repin it, share it and look at it everyday. I know these "Keep Calm" pictures are overused, but I enjoy them, and they are a great reminder to enjoy the little things in life.
So friends, Keep Calm and Merry On, seriously. Don't worry about the little things and enjoy this Holiday season!
Catching up
I sure have been slacking in the blog world and I really don't have an excuse. Over the past month, Thanksgiving has come and gone, I went Black Friday shopping, I turned 25 (blah), became an owner of Nook Tablet (that's really been taking up a lot of my time) and the Christmas season is in full swing!
I'm sure duper excited for Christmas this year! I couldn't wait to get our tree and lights up and I can't wait to get my Christmas cards mailed out.
I started wrapping gifts today while listening to Christmas music, it was so relaxing. The Mr. and I still have a few gifts to buy and I have a few to make. I'm really excited about the gifts I am making this year, I'm planning on taking pictures of the process and then posting DIY's after the New Year.
Other than getting ready for Christmas and getting the house ready for our New Years company, there isn't much going on over here.
I did snap a few pictures of our Christmas decor! Enjoy!
I'm sure duper excited for Christmas this year! I couldn't wait to get our tree and lights up and I can't wait to get my Christmas cards mailed out.
I started wrapping gifts today while listening to Christmas music, it was so relaxing. The Mr. and I still have a few gifts to buy and I have a few to make. I'm really excited about the gifts I am making this year, I'm planning on taking pictures of the process and then posting DIY's after the New Year.
Other than getting ready for Christmas and getting the house ready for our New Years company, there isn't much going on over here.
I did snap a few pictures of our Christmas decor! Enjoy!
DIY Christmas Wreath Tutorial
I went to Hobby Lobby earlier today to find ornaments for our Christmas tree and ended up spending almost an hour and half in the store and walked out with stuff to make a homemade Christmas wreath. I'm a huge fan of wreaths, and I love to change them out throughout the year depending on the season and what not. So far, I've made two of my own wreaths and I plan on making more. They are so fun and so simple!
Here's a quick DIY tutorial on how to make your own homemade wreath! Enjoy!
What you'll need:
1 wreath - your choice on what you use, I enjoy twig wreaths but anything works!
wired ribbon
decorative wire
ornament or decorative sign
holiday embellishments
hot glue gun

Using your hot glue gun, glue a piece of the wired ribbon to the back of the wreath and wrap the ribbon around the wreath:
(I leave a gap in between each wrap so that way I can use the decorative wire in the spaces)

Continue all the way around the wreath:

Next, use your decorative wire and fill the empty spaces:

Like so:

Use the ornaments string and loop it through the twigs in the center and then hot glue the remaining ornament string to the back of the wreath:
(I used a piece of paper (price tag) to make sure the string would stay in place)

Add embellishments!:
(I ended up moving mine around because I could not figure out how I wanted them)

Here's the finished product! So easy, so simple and super cute! It took me less then 30 minutes to make and cost me less then $10 dollars! Thank you Hobby Lobby for your 50% off Christmas decor sale!
Here's a quick DIY tutorial on how to make your own homemade wreath! Enjoy!
What you'll need:
1 wreath - your choice on what you use, I enjoy twig wreaths but anything works!
wired ribbon
decorative wire
ornament or decorative sign
holiday embellishments
hot glue gun

Using your hot glue gun, glue a piece of the wired ribbon to the back of the wreath and wrap the ribbon around the wreath:
(I leave a gap in between each wrap so that way I can use the decorative wire in the spaces)

Continue all the way around the wreath:

Next, use your decorative wire and fill the empty spaces:

Like so:

Use the ornaments string and loop it through the twigs in the center and then hot glue the remaining ornament string to the back of the wreath:
(I used a piece of paper (price tag) to make sure the string would stay in place)

Add embellishments!:
(I ended up moving mine around because I could not figure out how I wanted them)

Here's the finished product! So easy, so simple and super cute! It took me less then 30 minutes to make and cost me less then $10 dollars! Thank you Hobby Lobby for your 50% off Christmas decor sale!
The Versatile Blogger Award!
I have been given The Versatile Blogger Award by Tania from Horseshoes, and I couldn't be more thankful! Make sure you swing by her blog, say "Hi" and let her know I sent you!
By accepting this award I promise to:
- Tell you 7 things about myself
- Pass this award on to 15 bloggers who I think deserve this award
- I work at Starbucks and I love my job. Not just because of the free coffee but because of the relationships I have made with customers while working there. Some of them have become great friends.
- I have very bad road rage, I probably shouldn't share this with the public but I hate stupid drivers. If you don't know how to drive, please stay off the roads, for my sake only.
- I love looking at DIY projects and always dream of making them. I don't have a crafty bone in me but I like to pretend I do.
- I have recently been obsessed with Bath and Body Works and my bank account shows the proof.
- I love the rain. It reminds me of living in Seattle and those years when I was young and dumb.
- The Mr. doesn't know this, but he saved me. I met him at a not very good time in my personal life and he still saw the good in me and ended up loving me anyway. Thanks Boyfriend.
- My parents have been together since they were in 6th grade and no matter what they think, they did an amazing job at raising us girls. Thanks Mama & Papa.
Go check out these awesome blogs, leave them some comment love and let them know I sent you there! Again, thank you Tania for giving me this award, I had a great time coming up with 7 things about myself
Wordless Wednesday - My Nieces
I love these two little girls more then they'll ever know.
I hope they know they have me tied around their little fingers.
Weekend Wrap Up
We had a very fun but busy weekend and all we've done today is relax. I'd like to think that I'm always busy but we did a lot of running around this weekend, and it just wore me out. This morning afternoon when I woke up, I rolled over and realized that it was 1pm. I have no clue why I slept in that late, or why The Mr. let me sleep in that late, but it felt good.
I took the weekend off to celebrate The Mr.'s 31st birthday, which he had off as well. It's been really nice to have the last 3 days off of work, I've been able to spend time with my boyfriend, family and friends!
On Friday, we hung out at home and waited for The Mr.'s truck to be done at the shop (he has his windshield replaced) and just enjoyed a little R&R before heading out. Once his truck was done, we headed out to Hobby Lobby to look for home decor stuff and to check out all the Christmas stuff. We found a few things we liked, but are waiting until after Christmas to really start decorating our new place, otherwise people won't be getting presents. We did find Christmas cards though, and we got them for half off because all of their Christmas product was 50% off!
We headed to the mall and did a little bit of window shopping and waited for my sister to show up so we could do go to dinner. We decided to go to dinner at Tony Roma's because we felt like having a good steak kind of meal, and we all had exactly that! My lovely sister treated us to dinner, it was great time and the food did not disappoint! After dinner, The Mr. and I came out and relaxed, we ended up having friends come over and hang out for a little bit, but it ended being an early night since we knew Saturday was going to be an early and late night.
On Saturday, we headed to Othello to spend time with my family and to see the high school football playoff game. We had a great time cheering on my alumni and catching up with old friends. After the game, we hung out at my parents house and headed home early so we could get ready for The Mr.'s Birthday Hangout! The Hangout was a success and everyone had a blast! The Mr. had a great time and loved having all his friends together for his birthday! We even brought a cake into the bar and sang Happy Birthday to him really loud!
Here a few pictures of The Mr.'s Birthday Hangout! Enjoy!
I took the weekend off to celebrate The Mr.'s 31st birthday, which he had off as well. It's been really nice to have the last 3 days off of work, I've been able to spend time with my boyfriend, family and friends!
On Friday, we hung out at home and waited for The Mr.'s truck to be done at the shop (he has his windshield replaced) and just enjoyed a little R&R before heading out. Once his truck was done, we headed out to Hobby Lobby to look for home decor stuff and to check out all the Christmas stuff. We found a few things we liked, but are waiting until after Christmas to really start decorating our new place, otherwise people won't be getting presents. We did find Christmas cards though, and we got them for half off because all of their Christmas product was 50% off!
We headed to the mall and did a little bit of window shopping and waited for my sister to show up so we could do go to dinner. We decided to go to dinner at Tony Roma's because we felt like having a good steak kind of meal, and we all had exactly that! My lovely sister treated us to dinner, it was great time and the food did not disappoint! After dinner, The Mr. and I came out and relaxed, we ended up having friends come over and hang out for a little bit, but it ended being an early night since we knew Saturday was going to be an early and late night.
On Saturday, we headed to Othello to spend time with my family and to see the high school football playoff game. We had a great time cheering on my alumni and catching up with old friends. After the game, we hung out at my parents house and headed home early so we could get ready for The Mr.'s Birthday Hangout! The Hangout was a success and everyone had a blast! The Mr. had a great time and loved having all his friends together for his birthday! We even brought a cake into the bar and sang Happy Birthday to him really loud!
Here a few pictures of The Mr.'s Birthday Hangout! Enjoy!
Birthday Boy with his cake! |
He loved his Elmo plates! |
The Ladies |
Sara & Jami |
Trish & Seth (Soda was their choice of beverage) |
Paul & The Mr. |
Laurie & Jose |
The Mr. & Me |
Me & Becky |
Josh & Jami |
The Mr. & Jami taking a shot! |
The Mr. & Me |
The 3 Amgios! |
Kyle & The Mr. |
The Smokers |
Preparing for the Holidays
I've been meaning to write a blog for a few days but I kind of feel like life has gotten a little busy and I haven't been able to sit down and write a decent post.
I should really be sleeping and fighting off this cold, but I took a nap after work and now I find myself wide awake. Lovely.
The holiday season is in full swing and I'm feeling it! We launched the famous red cups at Starbucks on the 1st and everything else will be out on the 15th. Christmas stuff is everywhere, in every store and some stores are even playing Christmas music. I, personally, am NOT ready for Christmas to be here. Don't get me wrong, I love the holidays but I'm not ready to buy gifts or deal with crowded stores.
Speaking of gifts, I'm trying to find some DIY gift ideas for a few of my friends/family members. I want something they can use all year long, not just during a certain season. I have found some great ideas, I just need to pick which one I want to do. I've never done a DIY gift, so I'm excited to get started; I'll be sure to take pictures of my projects and post a few of them once I complete them.
One of my favorite things about this time of year is all the delicious scents you can find that remind you of Christmas. I love candles, a lot, and even though I sell Scentsy I have found a candle that I think everyone needs.
I should really be sleeping and fighting off this cold, but I took a nap after work and now I find myself wide awake. Lovely.
The holiday season is in full swing and I'm feeling it! We launched the famous red cups at Starbucks on the 1st and everything else will be out on the 15th. Christmas stuff is everywhere, in every store and some stores are even playing Christmas music. I, personally, am NOT ready for Christmas to be here. Don't get me wrong, I love the holidays but I'm not ready to buy gifts or deal with crowded stores.
Speaking of gifts, I'm trying to find some DIY gift ideas for a few of my friends/family members. I want something they can use all year long, not just during a certain season. I have found some great ideas, I just need to pick which one I want to do. I've never done a DIY gift, so I'm excited to get started; I'll be sure to take pictures of my projects and post a few of them once I complete them.
One of my favorite things about this time of year is all the delicious scents you can find that remind you of Christmas. I love candles, a lot, and even though I sell Scentsy I have found a candle that I think everyone needs.
Seriously, this candle is like Christmas in a jar. I went into Bath and Body Works the other day and I walked out with more then enough of these candles to get me through the season. I've already burned through a whole candle and I think I need more. Do yourself a favor and get yourself a Twisted Peppermint candle, you won't be disappointed.
One last thing, I am in the process of taking a blog designer class and will hopefully be launching a blog design business at the start of 2012. I'm super excited and will keep everyone updated on the progress, I plan on offering some new business specials, so stay tuned!
One last thing, I am in the process of taking a blog designer class and will hopefully be launching a blog design business at the start of 2012. I'm super excited and will keep everyone updated on the progress, I plan on offering some new business specials, so stay tuned!
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