
Christmas Cards and Naps

My goal today was to get my Christmas cards prepped and ready to be sent out, you see, I have the envelopes and I'm just waiting for the cards to come in. My dear friend April from April Showers designed my cards for me this year; I don't know if any of you have seen her work, but she's amazing and so creative! Anyway, the cards were suppose to come in today via UPS and when I heard the truck pull up, I couldn't hold my excitement back, I was waiting for him with the door open but I quickly realized he only had one single package for me. I was so bummed!

I quickly contacted April and we tracked the package and found out that there had been an exception on the shipment due to a "transportation accident." That doesn't sound good at all! After a few calls to UPS and with a little sternness, we figured out that my package is currently being towed to a new location and I'll be updated within one to two business days.

Needless to say, my goal for today wasn't accomplished, my Christmas cards on stuck in the back of a UPS truck and I'm one sad panda.

So instead of getting my Christmas cards ready, I decided to take a nap. It was a much needed nap though, so it was nice.

Things are coming together for our New Year's visitors. The Mr. ordered a very nice blow up mattress this afternoon and sometime soon we'll head to the store to get a shower rod, shower curtain and some new towels. I hope I can throw some new towels in there for myself! I love new towels!

You might noticed that I changed my blog layout again, I really wasn't planning on doing that, but a reader informed me that in my tag line, I had "of me" written twice, and instead of fixing it, I just decided to find an awesome premade layout and use it. I'll eventually get something a little more personable, but this will have to do for the time being.

I need to start thinking about my New Years resolution, do you have one yet?

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