
Catching up

I sure have been slacking in the blog world and I really don't have an excuse. Over the past month, Thanksgiving has come and gone, I went Black Friday shopping, I turned 25 (blah), became an owner of Nook Tablet (that's really been taking up a lot of my time) and the Christmas season is in full swing!

I'm sure duper excited for Christmas this year! I couldn't wait to get our tree and lights up and I can't wait to get my Christmas cards mailed out.

I started wrapping gifts today while listening to Christmas music, it was so relaxing. The Mr. and I still have a few gifts to buy and I have a few to make. I'm really excited about the gifts I am making this year, I'm planning on taking pictures of the process and then posting DIY's after the New Year.

Other than getting ready for Christmas and getting the house ready for our New Years company, there isn't much going on over here.

I did snap a few pictures of our Christmas decor! Enjoy!


  1. So pretty!  The pics of your tree are really good!  I've been listening to Christmas music lately too...but wrapping presents?!  Not yet :(  You're so ahead of me!

  2. Thanks! The Mr. has a really nice camera that I've been playing around with and learning to take pictures with. I normally don't start wrapping gifts until Christmas Eve, but I'm trying to stay on top it this year, we'll see if I can keep up.

  3. Hey Abby, I'm going to email you a link to my book library. I love sharing my ebook collection, just like I love sharing my real book collection. There is this great (free) program called Calibre that will convert book types and upload them to any e-reading device (i.e., Kindle, Nook, iPad, etc.). Definitely install it!

  4. Great Job sweetheart! Your place looks amazing... Had fun hanging lights with Pablo.....

    Love ya!

  5. Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU for emailing me that and recommending Calibre to me! It's awesome and super easy to use!

  6. Thanks Papa! We were so grateful for your help!

  7. Your tree and house looks so pretty. The tree looks great with the gifts under them too. You and Pablo did a great job...oh and your outside lights look good too!

  8. This looks amazing... nice pics, nice tree, nice home, nice blog, nice Abby! <3 Loving all the nice things here :)

  9. Thanks! So glad you enjoy my blog! :-)
