
Keeping Calm

                                                  Source: via A Dab of Abby on Pinterest

As much as I love this time of year, I have found myself so stressed out. I've been worrying about all the little things that really shouldn't matter, like who's getting what, how much we're spending, what I should or shouldn't be doing, the weather (like I really have any control over that) and any other little thing that can simply bother me.

Some people say it's the grey, dreary weather that is causing this, some people say I need to cut back on the caffeine, or I need to lose weight or I'm being ungrateful. Whatever it is, it sucks. I really do enjoy this time of year and I really am happy and I really do hate feeling like this.

I'm sure I'm not the only one feeling the stresses of the Holidays; it's funny how such meaningful times of the year can cause so much stress, but I'm going to fight it and beat it down. Nothing else is going to get me down!

I can't help if the weather is not on my side, I can't help it if no one likes the gift I give them and I can't help it if I'm broke at the end of the month (just kidding), but I can make sure that I'm happy and enjoying this wonderful time of the year! When I found this on Pinterest, I knew I needed to repin it, share it and look at it everyday. I know these "Keep Calm" pictures are overused, but I enjoy them, and they are a great reminder to enjoy the little things in life.

So friends, Keep Calm and Merry On, seriously. Don't worry about the little things and enjoy this Holiday season!

1 comment:

  1. I enjoy reading your blogs, its like you are sitting in the living room talking to me. You are so right, just enjoy the holidays and do not worry about the small stuff. Love you lots....Mom
