What I wish for....

Instead of writing out a good ol' Birthday/Christmas list, I thought I would make a pretty little Polyvore board of what I wish for. There isn't anything in this world that I need but it wouldn't be my birthday or Christmas without a wish list! So here we go!
  1. They're Real mascara by Benefit 
  2. Eyeshadow pallet from Benefit called Two Faced Naked Eye (or just a gift card to where benefit is sold would do!) 
  3. iTunes gift card 
  4. Abigail Bearpaw boots, in purple 
  5. Starbucks gift card 
  6. A beautiful purple scarf 
  7. Toms, in red 
  8. Lane Bryant gift card
I can't believe how soon my birthday will be here and Christmas will be here just as fast! I need to start shopping too!

Do you make a wish list every year? If so, what's on your list?

1 comment:

  1. I love the purple scarf! I love pretty much anything purple:)

