
Halloween Cookies & Dinner

I won't lie, I'm really glad the week is over and that my weekend is finally here. I'm hoping to have a better weekend then I did last week (and it seem to be going that way) and hopefully I'll get a little R&R in. Last weekend we were dealing with flooding and broken sewer pipes, yuck!

So far this weekend I've been able to watch a movie with The Mr. ( I am not allowed to share the title of the movie we watched because he doesn't want anyone to know he watched a chick flick! Did I just type that? Oops!), sleep in, drink coffee and spend some time browsing the interwebs and I was able to do some baking!

This afternoon I got together with some of my coworkers and we made Halloween cookies! It was nice to hang out with the girls outside of work and spend some time doing something we truly enjoy (not that we all don't enjoy our jobs or anything). I won't lie though, I was a little jealous of the KitchenAid Mixer that I was allowed to use today, I have got to me one of those! My coworker almost has the complete pink set of the KitchenAid set and I'm super jealous but that's besides the point. We made two different type of cookies, one's that looked like fingers and another that looks like owls. We had such a fun time creating the fingers and cutting dough to look like an owl.

Before I left to make cookies I asked The Mr. to get things ready for dinner so as soon as I got home, I could throw all the ingredients together and then pop it into the oven. I made turkey meatloaf and need an onion chopped up and I knew that would take some time so having him do that for me would save some time. After we were done baking cookies I hurried home so I could start dinner. I walked into the kitchen and found this:

What an amazing man! It made my heart happy and made preparing dinner super easy! Anyway, I threw all the stuff together, preheated the oven and made our turkey meatloaf.

I served it with brown rice mixed with salsa and steamed broccoli. I was going to take a picture of the finished product but completely forgot and by the time I remembered, we were almost done eating! Dang it! I could never be a food blogger, I would forget the most important part.

Dinner was great and very satisfying and our cookies turned out awesome! So far, there's been nothing to complain about with this weekend, and I'm so thankful for that! 


  1. I would love a kitchen aid mixer! I've got to start making Halloween cookies! Popped in from SITS to say hi!

  2. HI Abby! I figured out maybe one of the reasons for your lack of followers. It's hard to "get here". Your link on Blog Frog didn't work. I had to "google your blog, then it took me to a "blog designer type page, then I clicked on something else and it brought me here. Whew! That's a lot of clicking just to get to your actual blog. Anyway, I made it and will now follow you. The cookies are neat! I especially like the owls.

    I've never had the courage to try turkey meatloaf. I know I need to eat healthier, but I tried turkey bacon once and didn't like it. I thought about getting a turkey burger once but CHICKENED out LOL! (pun intended)

    God Bless,

  3. Oh, they're owls! I see now! What the heck was I thinking?

  4. Yeah right! You knew exactly what it was!

  5. Hi PJ!
    Holy Moly! No wonder why I don't have "followers!" I'll check my links to make sure they are working okay, thank you for brining that to my attention and thanks for following me!

    It's taken me a long time to enjoy turkey. The Mr. and I are really trying to lose weight and have to resort to healthier things and we're slowly trying to add other meats in there. He's a big red meat fan and I lean towards chicken but we're getting tired of the same ol' same, so we've been trying to add new things here and there. Trust me, I would have loved regular meatloaf, but the turkey worked and the recipe I used had a lot of flavor!

  6. Thanks for stopping by to say hi! I added a Kitchen-Aid mixer to my Christmas list last night! I hope I've been good and that Santa loves me!

  7. Santa told me he's going on LOA starting Nov 30th!
