
Friends You Love - Meet April from April Showers

Friends You Love

I am so excited to participate in my first Blog Hop! I ran across this "Friend You Love" Blog Hop yesterday and I knew exactly who I wanted to write a guest post for me. April from April Showers is someone I met about a year ago online and has because a great friend!

She didn't hesitate to write about our friendship and what it means to her; so friends, I introduce to you, my amazing friend, April!


Hi!  I'm April from April Showers and I'm Abby's friend.  Like...pretty good friend.  She's definitely at the top of the "People I'm Going to Tell When I Get Pregnant" phone tree.  (Or Facebook tree, as it were.)  But at the same time she doesn't quite know enough about me to warrant blackmail. (Yet.)  Our conversations are lighthearted and fun, and I'm so glad we don't have to talk about all our problems or drama in order to stay interested in what we talk about each day.  (Not that my life is that soap-opera interesting, but if it were...)  While I feel completely comfortable venting to her about anything that is going wrong in my life, there is something about Abby that makes me not NEED to vent.  Just a nice conversation turns my day around!  Of course, if anything ever goes awry...I'm on board for a good supportive chat and virtual sob and hug.

Not only are we friends, but we basically keep each other in business.  I mean, I think she has exhausted my list of services and ordered everything I offer.  I currently have an entire cabinet full of Scentsy products and three warmers, but am sitting here compiling a list for even more.  When people come to my house they assume I'm a Scentsy rep, and I just say "No, I know people."   Now if she could somehow send me a Starbucks, we'd REALLY be in business.

Having a friend I've never even MET in real life has proven to me that you don't need to meet in order for a great relationship to be there.  Of course, we attempt to plan to meet at every single opportunity we can...but I won't feel any less of a friend if that never happens.  In fact, I'll just be happy that she won't see my bad hair days.  Or me in an "un-Photoshopped" format.  But if she did I'm sure she wouldn't judge.  Laugh maybe.  But not judge. :P

Love you Abby!!!!!!!!!  :D


  1. Yup, I'm sure Abby wonders how the two coolest people on the interwebs happened to cross her path. I mean, April *and* The Mr.?!? What are the odds of that? Hopefully one day she'll be as cool as us!

  2. How did you know?! I can only pray and hope I'll be as cool as you two someday!

  3. Isn't it wonderful to find friends online and become really good friends? I love it when I meet them IRL. It's always a blast! 

  4. Yes! I am so blessed to have met a so many people online. A few of my very close friends and even my boyfriend I met online! :-)

  5. I absolutely agree about not needing to meet to know that you're great friend material. My bestest of friends live super far away from me, we haven't yet met but I'd give either of them my kidney and consider them the top of my list for bestest of friends of my entire life. They were placed in my life at the most amazing time and have been there when absolutely no one else was (GO WONDER TRIPLET POWERS). Long Live Friendships! Great post, thanks for linking up and congrats on finding each other!

  6. Thanks for stopping by! April has become such an awesome friend and I can't until her and I can actually meet!
