

I say it all the time, and it all depends on the time of year it is. If it's cold, I would rather be warm; when it's warm, I would rather be cold. Apparently, I'm never happy.

It's really been getting cold out lately and I have to be honest, I am not ready for it. I love to wear sandals and my capri's and obviously, I can't do that in the Fall/Winter. I've been having to wear a sweater lately and not just when I'm outside, we refuse to turn on the heater! The Mr. always has to remind me that since we are in a bigger place we have more space to heat up, which makes for a bigger electricity bill. Thank God we have afghans that my lovely Mother crocheted for us!

The newest afghan is probably my favorite blanket to date. First off, it's two of my favorite colors, green and purple (also Scentsy colors!) and it's huge! If you've ever covered up with a homemade afghan, you'll probably notice that they are never the perfect size; too short and not wide enough! But this blanket is perfect, it covers me from head to toe, it's nice and warm and to make it even better it covers the 6 foot + Mr. that I call my boyfriend! We often have to fight over this afghan because we both love it and when aren't sleeping on it Rambo is! That silly dog!

I hope that my house will forever be blessed with my Mothers beautiful crotched work of arts (that sounds funny), because I am blessed to be able to have a Mom who knows how to make this kind of stuff!

Tonight, I am so so so thankful for my newest afghan. I was freezing when I got home from work, I wrapped myself up in and now I'm warm and comfy!

Wrapped up in my favorite afghan!

P.S. I'm trying a new comment database in hopes of a better comment platform. Let me know if you have any trouble leaving a comment!


  1. I am that way, when I'm cold I want it warm and when it's warm I dream of snow!

  2. I would be one happy woman if it was just either Spring or Fall all year long. My boyfriends parents live in Cuernavaca, Mexico and it's perfect weather all year long. I'm so jealous.
