
Where does time go?

Over the past two weeks I have:
  1. Found a dress for the wedding! -- It was such an easy and successful trip, it almost didn't seem real.
  2. Started to sale Scentsy again. -- With moving and work I put Scentsy on the back burner, but it's been a great Scentsy month so far!
  3. Organized our closet! -- I absolutely love our new closest! So much room and so many shelves, it's beautiful!
  4. Stayed up way too late. -- Lately, I have found myself up until midnight or later, I hate it but it's a bad habit and it isn't easy to kick it.
  5. Been dreading packing for our trip. -- I hate packing and always wait until the last minute to do so, but this time around, I have no idea where to start or what to pack. I need to figure out how I'm going to pack my dress and prevent winkles at the same time. I'm not sure if it's doable.
  6. Missed my family. -- I know they are only 45 minutes away, but I haven't seem much of them this past month and I miss them.
  7. Been to the post office too many times! -- Since starting to sale Scentsy again, I have been mailing my far away customers bars and other Scentsy stuff, but when the post office lady remembers you, you know you've been there too much. *sigh*
  8. Drank way too much tea....and wine! -- I found a new wine that I'm in love with and I can't get enough of it. I could really go for a glass right now!
  9. Worked. -- In the midst of all other 8 thing, I've also worked. I love my job and I love the people I work with. It's such a small store and small crew but it's a great one! 
  10. Forgotten to blog. -- I haven't been into blogging much, I'm really not good at keeping up with it. I'll start a blog and then delete it or decide to finish writing it later but that never happens. I'm not sure if I'll be blogging for much longer. I wish I could get paid to blog, I bet I would be more into it then. ;-)
That's my last two weeks all summed up. I'll update you in another two weeks!

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