
Home Sweet Home

It's official, we're all moved in at the duplex and all checked out of the apartment. It's been almost a month since I've updated the blog but I really didn't have a way to update unless I went and sat at Starbucks and I already spend too much time there. The last two weeks we've been without internet and cable and it's been a LONG two weeks!

Getting Charter to hook the correct box up outside so that way the service man could connect the cable and internet for us was like pulling teeth. The Mr. was so frustrated with them and said that if they didn't have it hooked up by the end of this weekend, he was canceling. So with our luck, Stephen, the very nice technician made his way to our duplex at 12:30 this afternoon. We're officially connected to the world again! (Thanks God!)

We're pretty much settled in now too. The back bedroom has a few boxes in it but most of that is stuff we'll need to go through and declutter it. Eventually we'll get a bed for that room and have it set up as a guest bedroom but that's later down the road. It feels nice to call this home.

Over the next couple of weeks we'll be preparing to head to Mexico for The Mr.'s sisters wedding. I can't believe it's so soon, I seriously need to find a dress! I'm not stressed yet, but kind of getting there. I'm not looking forward to flying for a day though, I'm not a big fan of planes, hopefully I'll be able to sleep since we'll be flying at night.

This summer has been so busy and it's not going to slow down until after we get back from Mexico. The heat has finally started and back to school shopping has started so work has been a little bit busier but that just means Fall is on the way. That's my favorite time of year!

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