
Total Ramble

It's windy today, a little too cold to take boys who are starting to get colds to the park. So, we've gone to the store, read some books, colored, and now they are watching some educational T.V. and playing with toys. We were going to go to story time but Devin "did not feel like going there." So...we stayed in.

This morning I went to put a pork roast in the crock pot and when I opened the packaging it had a horrible smell. I didn't gag or anything, but it smelt really bad, I wasn't sure if pork was suppose to smell like that, so I called The Mr. upstairs and sure enough, he thought it smelt really bad so I went to the store this morning and bought another one, went home, and put it in the crock pot. Hopefully it's done by the time we want to eat dinner. I'm making pork noodle; our friend Jami makes it all the time and it's SOOO good, one of my favorite meals that she makes. It's so good.

The Mr. is feeling a little under the weather, I hope and pray I don't get sick. We're suppose to go camping next weekend and I really can not afford to be sick, in the woods none the less. I should probably go and buy some vitamin c! Hopefully he feels better soon, he didn't look like he felt well this morning, but he won't miss work for anything. I tried to tell him that he really needed to rest and relax, I hope he's doing that at work. :-)

I'm nervous to go camping, I don't camp. Never have, never thought I would. I'm not fond of the idea of using the restroom outside, not fond of the idea of not being able to shower, not fond of the idea of sleeping in a tent. Yes, can I please have some cheese with my wine? It really will be a good time, we'll have fun, I know it. We'll be with friends, in the woods, going on hikes and being "earthy." I'll take pictures!

This show is annoying. I should really turn the T.V. off. Devin has school today, I need to put gas in my car before we go. Too bad I don't live in Oregon where they pump it for you! That would be nice.

Okay, I'm going to do something productive. Maybe I'll make a huge lunch. We'll see!

Until next time,

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