
It always gets the best of me...

My mouth that is.

For as long as I can remember I have always gotten in trouble for my mouth. I seem to talk before I think. I remember my mom telling me to "think before I speak." It's still something I struggle with, and still get in trouble for not thinking before speaking, and now I have to back track and dig myself out of the hole. To the person I lashed out at, I am sorry, please accept my apology.

On the other hand, today was a great day! I'm starting to love Thursdays, only because they are normally my Friday. It's rare that I have to work on a Friday, have I told you how much I love my job? :-) I'm not sure what I'm going to do with my day off, maybe relax, maybe blog, maybe catch up on all the Ellen's that are overloading The Mr.'s DVR. I don't know. We'll see.

Anyone notice my new layout?! I bought it from SimplyYours, you can check out her website here. Thanks Hilary!

I have been working on this blog for over an hour now, thank God for that save now button. I spent a lot of time on the phone tonight, chit chattin' with my best friend. The Mr was probably so tired of me yacking all night long, but at least I wasn't gabbing his head off!

I'm hungry but it's too late to eat. I made a great dinner, if I don't say so myself. Pork chops, steamed asparagus, scallop potatoes and garlic bread. Yum! The Mr. swears up and down I'm a good cook, I have my doubts sometimes, he always says, "Want me to lick the plate?" It's now a joke between us, but I guess if he it's it, it must be good. I love cooking and never thought I would find a love for it the way I have. It's one of my favorite things to do these days, and not just cooking, I love to bake! I'm not sure what's for dinner tomorrow, I've been craving pizza, we'll see.

I think I'm going to call it a night. It's semi-early, but I'm going to relax and watch a little tv.

Until tomorrow friends!


  1. Your dinner sounded great just reading it. It was if I could smell the chops! Rita made dinner tonight and took some to work for me. It was great. Nothing like a tostada and honky tacos! See you on Saturday....Love Mom

  2. Yum! That sounds good! We had tacos on Sunday, I told Pablo I was going to eat a honky taco and he looked at me like I was crazy. It was great though!
