
I love days off!

What a great Friday!! Let's see, I slept in (yay!), watched a few episodes of Ellen, went out to lunch, went to the mall to exchange sizes, talked on the phone, had dinner with the most amazing boyfriend, went back to the mall, and now I'm relaxing, doing laundry, and blogging. Again, what a great Friday!

The other day when I went summer clothes shopping I had the boys with me, I wasn't in a rush, I just was trying to hurry. I also wasn't expecting to find as much as I did, so I ended up buying stuff 1 or 2 sizes too big. Oops. So today I went back and got the right sizes, everything fits much nicer. I love shopping for clothes, I also decided I need some new shoes, but I'll buy those later. I found a purse that I want, of course it's from a store that will remain nameless, but someday I'll buy it. It's really nice.

Tomorrow we'll be going to my parents for lunch and then heading to Spokane for the Lilac Parade. We'll be staying the night at my parents and then heading home on Sunday and then back to work. Blah.

I'm listening to The Mr. tease Rambo about going potty. Rambo gets so excited about getting to go outside, he starts to run circles around the living room, it's so funny. Apparently he must really need to go because he is now jumping on top of The Mr. and barking. I want another dog, I asked The Mr. earlier if I could get a Yorkie and he was making fun of it because it's too much of a girly dog, and he knows that he'll have to walk it. I said...."only in the mornings!" I just want a dog that I can take everywhere with me, I want it sit when I say sit, and do cute tricks. I'm getting one. I'll adopt it if I have to.

I'll be taking my camera with me this weekend and will do my best to be a better memory taker! I hope everyone has a great weekend!

Until next time friends!

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