Such a good day! It's been a very relaxing, non hectic, kind of day. Devin and Sawyer's Grandma is in town and we've been hanging out with her all day. I didn't have to be to work til 8, and it's really just been a zen kind of day. We sat around and talked this morning, the boys played and was enjoying Grandma time. Grandma took them to McDonalds for lunch, I drove since she doesn't know her way away and then I dropped them off at the house and Devin and I went to school. Grandma told me to "enjoy my afternoon," and that's what I'm doing. I'm currently at the library, enjoying some quiet time. I would have gone home but they are doing some nasty construction near our apartment and I didn't want to deal with it. Besides Devin goes to school in Richland and we live in Kennewick. I decided to come to the library. I first went to "Richland Public Library," and apparently you have to pay to join. $30 dollars a year. No thanks. So I drove for about 10 minutes and went to West Richland Mid-Columbia Library. It's so small, and so cute. I'm glad I came. I should really be reading the book I have, it's good, I just haven't had time to sit and read. Maybe in the woods this weekend.
I'm starting to get antsy about leaving. I want Thursday to be here already. I was nervous but now I'm excited. I've never been a big nature person but this could something new. I'm excited to go on walks, spend time outdoors and with great friends!
I put ribs in the crock pot for dinner, I hope they turn out better then they did last time. I didn't put BBQ sauce on them, I'm going to wait until I get home to do that. I'm not sure what I'm going to serve with it, something easy, but it'll be good. I have fresh broccoli, I'll whip something up with that!
Okay, I'm going to get going, I need to hit up a store for some TP and possibly stop and get a coffee. Yum!
Happy Tuesday & until next time,
Monday, Monday, Monday
It was a Monday today and I could feel it. I was tired, my back hurt, I didn't want to wake up this morning and I had no idea what to make for dinner.
I'm not sure what I did to my back but I feel like I need to pop it. I should really go see a chiropractor but for now the footrest on the bed will work. I've popped it at least five times the last two hours. So far, so good.
We had a relaxing yet busy weekend, again it was nice to not really have anything major planned. We're even more excited for this weekend! I think all the nervousness is gone and I'm excited to be out in the woods, enjoying nature. The Mr. and Josh went up there this weekend to find some campsites. They took some pictures and it looks beautiful. I just pray that we get the site where the restroom is 50 yards away. We'll be heading up Thursday after work and coming back Monday afternoon. We have to be back fairly early so we can pick Rambo up from the vet. I'll post pictures of the trip once I get a chance to blog when we get back.
I finally got caught up on the laundry. I tried to do it yesterday but between babysitting and not being in the house most of yesterday, I got behind. I had three loads to fold tonight, and 3 more to wash. I'm not sure how two people create so much laundry, but we do. I also wash all of Rambo's towels every week, so really I'm washing laundry for three people. The Mr. has a lot of clothes too, so many whites and boxers. Geez! I think I folded more of his laundry then I did mine. Oh well.
I'm tired, but I don't have to be to work till 8 tomorrow, so I'm milking it for all it's worth. The Mr. is watching the season finale and the last show ever of 24. He made me miss the Bachelorette, thank God we have DVR. I suppose I'll watch it tomorrow before American Idol. Apparently, I enjoy reality T.V.
I'm going to surf the net and go to bed. I hope tomorrow doesn't feel like a Tuesday. Whatever that may feel like. :-)
Until next time,
Hallelujah for the weekend!
The weekend is here! This is the first weekend in awhile that we haven't had something major planned and it feel so good. I slept in, took my time to get ready and then went to the mall, by myself, did my thing, and The Mr. did his. We're going to Josh and Jami's for dinner and to set up the tent to make sure everything is ready to go for next weekend. I'm still nervous! As of last night, all the spots that have bathrooms on site are booked up. I seriously may be pooping in the woods. This better be worth it.
Last night we went out with some friends and had some drinks. It was a lot of fun, it had been awhile since we've been out. Lot's of good laughs, good music and good food. I did wake up with a headache, but it was worth it.
Tomorrow, The Mr. and Josh are heading out to the woods to find good camping spots. They are going to have a man day! I, on the other hand, will be babysitting for a few hours and then coming home and relaxing and then it's back to work; thank goodness I have Friday off this coming week!
I'll try to blog again some more later.
Until next time,
Total Ramble
It's windy today, a little too cold to take boys who are starting to get colds to the park. So, we've gone to the store, read some books, colored, and now they are watching some educational T.V. and playing with toys. We were going to go to story time but Devin "did not feel like going there." So...we stayed in.
This morning I went to put a pork roast in the crock pot and when I opened the packaging it had a horrible smell. I didn't gag or anything, but it smelt really bad, I wasn't sure if pork was suppose to smell like that, so I called The Mr. upstairs and sure enough, he thought it smelt really bad so I went to the store this morning and bought another one, went home, and put it in the crock pot. Hopefully it's done by the time we want to eat dinner. I'm making pork noodle; our friend Jami makes it all the time and it's SOOO good, one of my favorite meals that she makes. It's so good.
The Mr. is feeling a little under the weather, I hope and pray I don't get sick. We're suppose to go camping next weekend and I really can not afford to be sick, in the woods none the less. I should probably go and buy some vitamin c! Hopefully he feels better soon, he didn't look like he felt well this morning, but he won't miss work for anything. I tried to tell him that he really needed to rest and relax, I hope he's doing that at work. :-)
I'm nervous to go camping, I don't camp. Never have, never thought I would. I'm not fond of the idea of using the restroom outside, not fond of the idea of not being able to shower, not fond of the idea of sleeping in a tent. Yes, can I please have some cheese with my wine? It really will be a good time, we'll have fun, I know it. We'll be with friends, in the woods, going on hikes and being "earthy." I'll take pictures!
This show is annoying. I should really turn the T.V. off. Devin has school today, I need to put gas in my car before we go. Too bad I don't live in Oregon where they pump it for you! That would be nice.
Okay, I'm going to do something productive. Maybe I'll make a huge lunch. We'll see!
Until next time,
I didn't get a chance to blog yesterday, we went to dinner at a friends house, got home around 945ish and went right to bed. I've been really tired lately, I'm not sure what it is, but I got a little bit of extra sleep last night and that has seemed to help so far today. This is also the first time I've sat down, so that could be why I'm not so tired.
Sawyer is napping and Devin is hanging out watching some tv. It's a really nice day but we're kind of taking it easy. Sawyer hasn't been feeling too well and I'm sure Devin is enjoying the non brother time. We took Sawyer into the doctor this morning and were there for quite some time, hopefully he feels better soon. I must say that he's a pretty dang good baby even when he isn't feeling well.
I really need to go to the grocery store. I feel like The Mr. and I are always grocery shopping but I guess the good thing is that we eat at home a lot. We try not to eat out too much, sometimes we fail though. We eat a lot of yogurt and meat, I think we go to the store for those two items then any other. I love cooking and finding new things to make! I would really like to go to costco, I was there today and they have some beautiful flowers for sale! We'll see...
I really hope Lee wins American Idol. Yes, I watch the show, and yes, I vote. His voice is amazing! I can't wait to see who gets voted off.
My back is a little sore, I'm not sure why. Maybe from getting Sawyer in and out of his car seat. Who knows.
I don't really have anything else to write about. I'll probably write again later tonight. I feel like writing something deep. :-)
Until next time,
Sawyer is napping and Devin is hanging out watching some tv. It's a really nice day but we're kind of taking it easy. Sawyer hasn't been feeling too well and I'm sure Devin is enjoying the non brother time. We took Sawyer into the doctor this morning and were there for quite some time, hopefully he feels better soon. I must say that he's a pretty dang good baby even when he isn't feeling well.
I really need to go to the grocery store. I feel like The Mr. and I are always grocery shopping but I guess the good thing is that we eat at home a lot. We try not to eat out too much, sometimes we fail though. We eat a lot of yogurt and meat, I think we go to the store for those two items then any other. I love cooking and finding new things to make! I would really like to go to costco, I was there today and they have some beautiful flowers for sale! We'll see...
I really hope Lee wins American Idol. Yes, I watch the show, and yes, I vote. His voice is amazing! I can't wait to see who gets voted off.
My back is a little sore, I'm not sure why. Maybe from getting Sawyer in and out of his car seat. Who knows.
I don't really have anything else to write about. I'll probably write again later tonight. I feel like writing something deep. :-)
Until next time,
Below are pictures from this weekend, again we had lots of fun! The Mr. took a lot of pictures at the parade, too many to post all of those so I just grabbed a couple of my favorites.
Me in the car on the way to Spokane!
The Mr. in the car too!
The parade kicks off with a plane flying over, supporting the Armed Forces!
Military Men carrying the flags, one from each branch of service
The first band; everyone is in step too!
Honoring all of Washington's Fallen Soldiers
Each Fallen Soldier had their own banner
Loryn Marth at the parade
Me and Loryn
Mr. Woods and I at the parade. He's my old band director and was marching with his current band!
Family time!
The weekend is over and I'm so sad about it! It always seems to go by so fast, I don't enjoy it. I must say that it was a very fun, eventful yet relaxing weekend. The Mr. and I went to see my parents, then went to Spokane and came home on Sunday in time to relax for a bit and enjoy our evening.
On Saturday we got up fairly early, took our time to get ready and then headed to Othello. My dad bought a new BBQ and wanted to make us lunch, which was amazing! We had steak, pork chops, a pasta salad and fresh asparagus! Yum! I love asparagus! It was so good! We hung out for a little while longer, hit the road to pick Rita up, then drove to Spokane. The drive was fun, we talked, laughed, sang, slept, name it, we did it! We got to town, hit up the mall and then went to the parade. Sat through the parade, enjoyed floats, bands, saw my old band director and then we got in the car and came home. I'll post pictures soon!
Driving to the parade reminded me of being a kid again. I was sad that I didn't know anyone in the parade, like we used to. The people we sat around would scream for those they knew. It really made me miss marching in band. A lot of my high school memories were from band. I'd do it again if I could!
The Mr. took a lot of pictures at the parade, we'll get them uploaded and I'll share them asap.
So today it's back to work, back to waking up at 530. Yuck! I love my job but hate waking up at the ass crack of dawn. By the end of the week I'm beat and so ready for the weekend, but the money is worth it!
The boys are eating breakfast, I'm sitting here supervising and listening to the birds sing and the neighbor mow his lawn. It's suppose to rain, the clouds are moving in. The weather was amazing last week, so I'm okay with a day of rain. Not sure what I'll do with the boys though. It may be a library day.
Anyway, I'll post pictures as soon as I get around to doing it. I'm off to play mom and raise some children!
Until next time!
On Saturday we got up fairly early, took our time to get ready and then headed to Othello. My dad bought a new BBQ and wanted to make us lunch, which was amazing! We had steak, pork chops, a pasta salad and fresh asparagus! Yum! I love asparagus! It was so good! We hung out for a little while longer, hit the road to pick Rita up, then drove to Spokane. The drive was fun, we talked, laughed, sang, slept, name it, we did it! We got to town, hit up the mall and then went to the parade. Sat through the parade, enjoyed floats, bands, saw my old band director and then we got in the car and came home. I'll post pictures soon!
Driving to the parade reminded me of being a kid again. I was sad that I didn't know anyone in the parade, like we used to. The people we sat around would scream for those they knew. It really made me miss marching in band. A lot of my high school memories were from band. I'd do it again if I could!
The Mr. took a lot of pictures at the parade, we'll get them uploaded and I'll share them asap.
So today it's back to work, back to waking up at 530. Yuck! I love my job but hate waking up at the ass crack of dawn. By the end of the week I'm beat and so ready for the weekend, but the money is worth it!
The boys are eating breakfast, I'm sitting here supervising and listening to the birds sing and the neighbor mow his lawn. It's suppose to rain, the clouds are moving in. The weather was amazing last week, so I'm okay with a day of rain. Not sure what I'll do with the boys though. It may be a library day.
Anyway, I'll post pictures as soon as I get around to doing it. I'm off to play mom and raise some children!
Until next time!
I love days off!
What a great Friday!! Let's see, I slept in (yay!), watched a few episodes of Ellen, went out to lunch, went to the mall to exchange sizes, talked on the phone, had dinner with the most amazing boyfriend, went back to the mall, and now I'm relaxing, doing laundry, and blogging. Again, what a great Friday!
The other day when I went summer clothes shopping I had the boys with me, I wasn't in a rush, I just was trying to hurry. I also wasn't expecting to find as much as I did, so I ended up buying stuff 1 or 2 sizes too big. Oops. So today I went back and got the right sizes, everything fits much nicer. I love shopping for clothes, I also decided I need some new shoes, but I'll buy those later. I found a purse that I want, of course it's from a store that will remain nameless, but someday I'll buy it. It's really nice.
Tomorrow we'll be going to my parents for lunch and then heading to Spokane for the Lilac Parade. We'll be staying the night at my parents and then heading home on Sunday and then back to work. Blah.
I'm listening to The Mr. tease Rambo about going potty. Rambo gets so excited about getting to go outside, he starts to run circles around the living room, it's so funny. Apparently he must really need to go because he is now jumping on top of The Mr. and barking. I want another dog, I asked The Mr. earlier if I could get a Yorkie and he was making fun of it because it's too much of a girly dog, and he knows that he'll have to walk it. I said...."only in the mornings!" I just want a dog that I can take everywhere with me, I want it sit when I say sit, and do cute tricks. I'm getting one. I'll adopt it if I have to.
I'll be taking my camera with me this weekend and will do my best to be a better memory taker! I hope everyone has a great weekend!
Until next time friends!
It always gets the best of me...
My mouth that is.
For as long as I can remember I have always gotten in trouble for my mouth. I seem to talk before I think. I remember my mom telling me to "think before I speak." It's still something I struggle with, and still get in trouble for not thinking before speaking, and now I have to back track and dig myself out of the hole. To the person I lashed out at, I am sorry, please accept my apology.
On the other hand, today was a great day! I'm starting to love Thursdays, only because they are normally my Friday. It's rare that I have to work on a Friday, have I told you how much I love my job? :-) I'm not sure what I'm going to do with my day off, maybe relax, maybe blog, maybe catch up on all the Ellen's that are overloading The Mr.'s DVR. I don't know. We'll see.
Anyone notice my new layout?! I bought it from SimplyYours, you can check out her website here. Thanks Hilary!
I have been working on this blog for over an hour now, thank God for that save now button. I spent a lot of time on the phone tonight, chit chattin' with my best friend. The Mr was probably so tired of me yacking all night long, but at least I wasn't gabbing his head off!
I'm hungry but it's too late to eat. I made a great dinner, if I don't say so myself. Pork chops, steamed asparagus, scallop potatoes and garlic bread. Yum! The Mr. swears up and down I'm a good cook, I have my doubts sometimes, he always says, "Want me to lick the plate?" It's now a joke between us, but I guess if he it's it, it must be good. I love cooking and never thought I would find a love for it the way I have. It's one of my favorite things to do these days, and not just cooking, I love to bake! I'm not sure what's for dinner tomorrow, I've been craving pizza, we'll see.
I think I'm going to call it a night. It's semi-early, but I'm going to relax and watch a little tv.
Until tomorrow friends!
I wanna soak up the sun!
What a weird night! I was so tired and fell asleep on the couch after dinner. It may have been the sun since I spent all day in it with the boys, or maybe I was just tired. I'm awake now, and I'm dreading the 5:30 wake up call. Tomorrow is my Friday and I'm super stoked! The Mr. and I are going to Spokane with my parents, Loryn and Rita for the Lilac Parade. It's a night parade and I love it, love it, love it! I love it more that I don't have to march in it! It should be a great time, I'm planning on taking pictures, and I'll share them once I can get them uploaded. I still need to order that dang cord!
I went and bought some summer clothes today, and I'm excited to wear them! I bought some board shorts, I'm not sure how I feel about them, they are super cute, I just haven't worn anything like that before. I always have a hard time sporting clothes like that, probably because I'm not used to them, but they are in style, and super cute. I may wear them to Spokane since it's suppose to be hot.
I'm also working on my tan, especially on my legs. I looked like a ghost when I was trying on shorts and stuff. I sat with my legs in the sun while the boys played today. We went back to the house and I put tanning lotion on and sat in the sun some more. If I don't see some improvement soon, I'm hitting the tanning bed!
There isn't much going on in my life, nothing super exciting that I think I should write about. I just got done reading peoples blogs and I get so sad that I can't write like them. They have so much to say, and say it so well. I suppose I could just ramble on and on but that would be so boring. I'm sure some posts are better then others, I just long to be a good writer. I can bust out an essay for you, but to write about my daily life and make it "interesting," that's another thing!
As far as why I'm blessed today, I think that should go to....the sun!! Today I was so blessed to be able to sit, enjoy and relax in the sun. I took the boys to the park, took their new dump trucks with us and they played in the sand box, with other children and I got to sit, watch and enjoy the sun. It's nice to soak up some vitamin d, and not burn. I burn easily but I have a base tan started so it's tan season from here on out! I'm sure when it's 105, I won't be enjoying the sun, but I love it when it's in the 70's and 80's. Tomorrow should be another beautiful day, let's hope I'm still feeling blessed to be enjoying the sun.
My two men are already asleep, I think it's my sign to hit the hay. Until tomorrow friends!
I went and bought some summer clothes today, and I'm excited to wear them! I bought some board shorts, I'm not sure how I feel about them, they are super cute, I just haven't worn anything like that before. I always have a hard time sporting clothes like that, probably because I'm not used to them, but they are in style, and super cute. I may wear them to Spokane since it's suppose to be hot.
I'm also working on my tan, especially on my legs. I looked like a ghost when I was trying on shorts and stuff. I sat with my legs in the sun while the boys played today. We went back to the house and I put tanning lotion on and sat in the sun some more. If I don't see some improvement soon, I'm hitting the tanning bed!
There isn't much going on in my life, nothing super exciting that I think I should write about. I just got done reading peoples blogs and I get so sad that I can't write like them. They have so much to say, and say it so well. I suppose I could just ramble on and on but that would be so boring. I'm sure some posts are better then others, I just long to be a good writer. I can bust out an essay for you, but to write about my daily life and make it "interesting," that's another thing!
As far as why I'm blessed today, I think that should go to....the sun!! Today I was so blessed to be able to sit, enjoy and relax in the sun. I took the boys to the park, took their new dump trucks with us and they played in the sand box, with other children and I got to sit, watch and enjoy the sun. It's nice to soak up some vitamin d, and not burn. I burn easily but I have a base tan started so it's tan season from here on out! I'm sure when it's 105, I won't be enjoying the sun, but I love it when it's in the 70's and 80's. Tomorrow should be another beautiful day, let's hope I'm still feeling blessed to be enjoying the sun.
My two men are already asleep, I think it's my sign to hit the hay. Until tomorrow friends!
Why sunshine?
I'm waiting for the boys to wake up so I thought I would take the time to blog. When I decided to start the blog I had to think about what I wanted to call it. I do not feel that I am a creative person so I had a very hard time trying to think of a name. I thought "A day in the life of," "The story of;" you get the picture. I didn't want the same ol' same ol'. Then it hit Father has always called me Sunshine. So, why not "Lil' Bit of Sunshine?" Almost like "Lil Bit of Me," but with a little kick or twist. I love it! Like I said, my goal is to write about my life, update you on the sunshine that I see in my daily life, even if it's rainy out.
I love that my dad used to, and still does call me Sunshine. It makes me feel like a kid again when he does it, and reminds me of that "home-like" feeling.
The boys are waking up, I think I'll need to wake Sawyer up. Yesterday was his birthday, he probably slept like a baby!
Until next time!
I love that my dad used to, and still does call me Sunshine. It makes me feel like a kid again when he does it, and reminds me of that "home-like" feeling.
The boys are waking up, I think I'll need to wake Sawyer up. Yesterday was his birthday, he probably slept like a baby!
Until next time!
Figuring this out
I've spent all evening working on my blog, I figured if I'm going to really do this I might as well enjoy the way it looks, and make it more "me." So, that's what I did. I've ignored my boyfriend, his dog, my phone and the tv all night, so I hope it was worth it.
Anyway, I said earlier that I wanted to write about blessings in my life. The first one that comes to mind is my job. I'm sure there are other things I should write about first, but after having a week off, I am reminded how blessed I am to work for such an amazing family, to help raise such amazing kids and to work in such an amazing area. Devin and Sawyer are the boys I nanny, 4 and 2 (as of today!) Super sweet, very smart and super active kids. We never really stay in the house because not only do I hate being cooped up, they hate it too. We often go to the park, library, children's museum, and the play area at the mall. I really couldn't be any happier with my job.
That's Devin and Sawyer at the park today! The weather was amazing!
I think it's time to go relax and cuddle with the boyfriend. He's pretending he's sleeping! That's all for tonight friends....tomorrow's another blessing! :-)
Anyway, I said earlier that I wanted to write about blessings in my life. The first one that comes to mind is my job. I'm sure there are other things I should write about first, but after having a week off, I am reminded how blessed I am to work for such an amazing family, to help raise such amazing kids and to work in such an amazing area. Devin and Sawyer are the boys I nanny, 4 and 2 (as of today!) Super sweet, very smart and super active kids. We never really stay in the house because not only do I hate being cooped up, they hate it too. We often go to the park, library, children's museum, and the play area at the mall. I really couldn't be any happier with my job.

I think it's time to go relax and cuddle with the boyfriend. He's pretending he's sleeping! That's all for tonight friends....tomorrow's another blessing! :-)
Email posting test
I was hoping for easy ways to upload my post, in case I'm not around my computer or whatnot. Blogger is very user friendly and has a few ways to make this work. This, my friends, is my first email posting! I like not having to log online to post and will probably use this way while working, traveling or whenever I just want to update you on my life! :-)
I've decided that I do the best and most thinking in shower, and today I was thinking of what I should blog about; life, friends, family, my job, my hobbies, habits etc. And then for some reason I started to think about all the blessings in my life, the things I am most grateful for and thought I would write about that. So for the next week or so, I'm going to try to write about different ways that I feel blessed and ways that I am grateful. I'll write later today on my first one...until then...I must work.
I've decided that I do the best and most thinking in shower, and today I was thinking of what I should blog about; life, friends, family, my job, my hobbies, habits etc. And then for some reason I started to think about all the blessings in my life, the things I am most grateful for and thought I would write about that. So for the next week or so, I'm going to try to write about different ways that I feel blessed and ways that I am grateful. I'll write later today on my first one...until then...I must work.
The idea behind this
I am going to try, one more time, to blog. I've started a few, kept up for awhile and then end up not writing. I love to read other peoples writing, and find myself checking their blogs daily, and I alway desire to write. I'm not a good writer, and often just ramble on, but hopefully, this time, I'll keep up and be able to look back and read what I've written for my own good. I hope to make this like my diary, where I can share all the good and bad with you. We'll see how it goes...I make no promises to actually keep up, but it's a goal of mine.
I also want to take more pictures, and maybe even blog with them. One time, my parents came to Seattle when I was living there and for the life of me I can't remember what we were doing, or were planning on doing but I forgot my camera, and I remember telling my mom that I was a very bad "memory taker." I want to change that, and have been doing a lot better. I've taken my camera with me a lot lately, I have some pictures I want to share, I just need to get around to doing it. That reminds me, I need to order a cord for my camera, Rambo, my boyfriend's dog, ate the one that came with my camera. The dog is lucky I love him. :-)
So, thats my goal for this blog; to write about my daily, weekly, monthly life, to share pictures of that as well and to give you hopefully a lil' bit of sunshine that's in my life.
I also want to take more pictures, and maybe even blog with them. One time, my parents came to Seattle when I was living there and for the life of me I can't remember what we were doing, or were planning on doing but I forgot my camera, and I remember telling my mom that I was a very bad "memory taker." I want to change that, and have been doing a lot better. I've taken my camera with me a lot lately, I have some pictures I want to share, I just need to get around to doing it. That reminds me, I need to order a cord for my camera, Rambo, my boyfriend's dog, ate the one that came with my camera. The dog is lucky I love him. :-)
So, thats my goal for this blog; to write about my daily, weekly, monthly life, to share pictures of that as well and to give you hopefully a lil' bit of sunshine that's in my life.
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