
What I wish for....

Instead of writing out a good ol' Birthday/Christmas list, I thought I would make a pretty little Polyvore board of what I wish for. There isn't anything in this world that I need but it wouldn't be my birthday or Christmas without a wish list! So here we go!
  1. They're Real mascara by Benefit 
  2. Eyeshadow pallet from Benefit called Two Faced Naked Eye (or just a gift card to where benefit is sold would do!) 
  3. iTunes gift card 
  4. Abigail Bearpaw boots, in purple 
  5. Starbucks gift card 
  6. A beautiful purple scarf 
  7. Toms, in red 
  8. Lane Bryant gift card
I can't believe how soon my birthday will be here and Christmas will be here just as fast! I need to start shopping too!

Do you make a wish list every year? If so, what's on your list?

Currently obsessed with....

I have always loved to get my nails done. It was something that mom and I would go do together. When I was in high school sometimes she would pull me out of class and we'd go and have an afternoon together, eat lunch and get our nails done.

Of course when I grew up and got a job that involved the making of some kind of food, I couldn't have my nails done and even nail polish was out of the question. So for the last couple of years my nails have been off and I would paint them if I had a long weekend or went somewhere important.

When I left Starbucks the first thing I did was march my way to the nail salon and I got those dang acrylic nails put back on and I was in love. But then I remembered how horrible they are for your nails and how much they damage your real nail and I got sad. I knew I shouldn't have put them on so a month later I was taking them off. (Enter serious sad face here)

I had heard about shellac nails before and knew it was the new "thing." I researched it and called around for prices. I found out that there are two options, one is the actual shellac and others offer gel polish which is called Gelish. Gelish offers a lot of color options and even allows different customizations of the colors. So two weeks ago, I got my first round of Gelish nails and I'm officially hooked and obsessed!

My first trial with it was a little disappointing. Because I had taken my acrylic nails off, the tech left a fine layer of acrylic on my nail so it wasn't so thin and brittle. Within a few days some of those pieces of acrylic started to lift making the gel start to peel and look really ugly. I went back and they fixed the one that was really lifting and looked pretty ugly, they even did it for free! Within a week and a half the nails with acrylic left on really started to lift and look ugly, I was kind of bummed about it and I was ready to just have it all removed and not do it again. I again researched and found out that the acrylic didn't help and with my nails being so thin the gel had nothing to hold onto to.
Yesterday I went back to the salon and got a new gel color put on. I made sure the tech removed all the acrylic and I had her do a quick manicure. For some reason this time the color looks a little thicker and looks like it may hold on longer. They say the gel should last 2-3 weeks, my first round lasted almost two weeks. Some nails only lasted a week and half, others looks great when I went in yesterday. I hope this time they will last 2 or more weeks!
I really am happy with the look of Gelish and I like how quick and easy it is to apply. I've looked into it and you can even buy the stuff from a supply store and do it at home if you wanted. I never would do that though, I like going in and having my nails done. It's always good to have some quiet time that's all for me!

....on the job

A little over a month ago, I left Starbucks and took a job working for the local school district. I loved my job at Starbucks but it was to the point where I just really wasn't happy anymore. I had switched stores to "better" my career but it wasn't that great of a move for me. Needless to say, I didn't like the store I was working at and just couldn't find my groove there.

I could have switched store (again) and hoped that the love for Starbucks came back or I could have found a whole new job, and that's what I did! It didn't take long for me to realize that I wanted a "real" job. "Real" meaning normal hours, Monday through know, a "real" job. I also knew I wanted to work with children. I was looking at daycares, getting back into nannying and the school district. The school district job opened up, and I jumped on the opportunity.

So here I sit, in a high school class room. I currently work as a one on one with a student. I've been working with this student for a little over a month now and she has grown so much and has become someone I truly care about. I want to see her succeed and grow into a mature woman.

I never thought that I would work in a high school or better yet, actually enjoy working here. I have really enjoyed getting to know the other kids and I love that some of them look up to me and actually come to me to talk. My dreams on becoming a teacher are out of this world right now. I walk into a classroom and instantly hope and dream that someday I can have my own classroom. I think about the kind of rules I would have and how I would teach.

No matter what happens, if I stay here for the whole year or go to work at another school when my time with my student is up, I know that I'll be doing what I love.

Finding my mojo

It's been so quiet around here lately, I've lost my blogging mojo. It's not that I don't want to blog anymore, I just don't have anything good to blog about. I forget to take pictures of the fun things we do and half the time I forget to even blog about those things.

As much as I like to think that I'm a pretty open person, I'm really a private person. I don't tell too many people too many things unless you're pretty close to me. I don't often speak my mind because I really do care what people think of me. Blogging really has gotten hard for me lately.

I used to be able to just sit down and write, now I have to force the words to form and hope it all flows together. I have to really think about what I want to say and who I may offend if I really say what's on my mind. I know I shouldn't care, but I do.

So lately I've chosen to just keep it all to myself (not really, The Mr. is a pretty good listener). I still have goals and ambitions, I still work and do all those normal day to day things but I just can't seem to find my blogging mojo.

I'm not sure where that leaves me, I've thought about just closing my blog and moving on. I've thought about forcing the words out and hoping someday I'll catch my blogging fever again or I can just do link ups every day and never have anything good to say, but I really don't want to be that blogger.

Whatever I decided to do just know that I'm still around, that I probably still read your blog and that I wish I could find my blogging mojo again.

If anyone has any tips or tricks, please let me know!