
Planning and other important stuff

The ball is starting to roll again on the wedding planning. I'm excited and nervous all at the same time. I still find myself having a hard time believing that I am planning my wedding with the man of my dreams by my side.

We have our engagement photo session booked and on the calendars; have some save the dates ideas rolling with a pretty amazing graphic designer and we're working on eating healthier and losing some of these pounds so we can look A-MAZING on our wedding day!

So far, the hardest part has been deciding what we want when it comes to food or center pieces. There are SO many ideas and it's not that The Mr. and I can't agree on it, it's that we just like so many of them that we can't decide.

I'm still in love with my dress. From time to time, I'll sneak into the closet and open the dress bag, you know, to make sure there isn't dust collecting on it or that it doesn't have a stain or anything, and every time, I remember why I bought it. When I see it, I wish the wedding was sooner just so I can wear it.

As far as work goes, I'm getting settled in my new store. It was a lot harder then I thought it was going to be but each day is better. I'm still excited about the future and looking forward to growing with Starbucks.

The Mr. and I have been really good about writing out a meal plan and sticking to it. My work schedule has been a little funny, so somedays I'm cooking dinner at 10am so I can take food with me to work and he can have dinner ready when he gets home. It's been working out really good even though I still laugh that I'm in the kitchen so early in the morning. I won't lie though, coming up with 2 weeks worth of dinner ideas is a little hard.

This past weekend was beautiful and we stayed busy, but I'll save that for another blog!

Why do you blog?

When I first started blogging, I had this vision that I was going to become a world known blogger with thousands of followers, and one day I was going to do giveaways and get paid to blog. I tried to have the cutest design in town, made by one of the best blog designers out there and tried to update my blog everyday.

After months of trying to keep up and spending hours in front of my computer I decided that my vision was short lived and that my life would go on if I wasn't a popular blogger. Those giveaways sounded good for a moment but I'm sure they are a lot of work.

I went from being a nanny (keeping up the children) to working at Starbucks and not doing a lot of creative things. I find myself spending less time around a computer and trying to keep up with the house work or making sure I'm cooking dinner five nights a week. It was one of those days that I was home alone and I was probably preparing dinner that I started to question why I blog. Do I blog so I can become popular in the blogging world? Do I blog so I can just type to type? Do I blog so I can pretend I'm keeping up the Kardashians?

I decided then that I want to blog for myself, for my far away friends and family and for my future family. I want to be able to sit down, write about what's going on in our life (wedding planning, weekly updates, weight loss, etc.) and be happy even if no one reads it or comments on it. I hope that someday I can come back to my blog and read about life 5 years ago and see how far we've come. I want to be able to show my children this blog and hope that someday they read about The Mr. and I, when we were young and in love.

I want my represent who I am, how I live and what I do. I really don't have a million friends, I honestly don't have the cutest house on the block and I sure as heck don't have anything free to giveaway!

I'll be around and I'll continue to blog but I'll be making memories and enjoying life as I do it!

....the future comes one day at a time....

I'm not a big fan of change, in fact, change is really hard for me. It wasn't until I was older that I realized it and this last week has been a little rough. When change is happening, I get really irritable and will normally have a crying fit. This may or may not have happened this week....

A few months ago, I met with the two district managers in our area for Starbucks and got asset to see where I was in my development at Starbucks and to see if I was ready to move up the chain of command. Everything went well but I needed a second store experience, (bigger store = more people to manage, more challenges) and I needed to work in a drive thru store. It took a few months to get the ball rolling but not long enough. Earlier this week, I worked my last shift.

I'm not sure why I had such a hard time, maybe it was because I was PMSing, who knows, but it was hard to leave. I even picked up one last baby shift just so I could have one last final close. It was a good close too, I got to see most my favorite evening customers and got hugs from some amazing partners.

I know the store is literally right down the road and I can go there anytime and even pick up shifts to cover but I loved that store. When I started there last May, I had a hard time fitting in. A lot of the partners had been at that store for years and they had their own clique. The store was at a rough patch and a lot of work needed to be done, so I went in and helped get the job done. I learned a lot from that store, grew a lot as a manager and met and made some great friends.

I'm excited for my future with Starbucks and I know that when doors close others open up for certain reasons.

I've worked two shifts at my new store and I hate feeling like the newbie. Today was harder then yesterday but I know it will get better. I am truly thankful for the partners that have welcomed me with opened arms and I sort of dislike the ones that have not been very nice to me. I won't hold that against them though.

With all of this, hopefully change will become easier. Someday.