
....the future comes one day at a time....

I'm not a big fan of change, in fact, change is really hard for me. It wasn't until I was older that I realized it and this last week has been a little rough. When change is happening, I get really irritable and will normally have a crying fit. This may or may not have happened this week....

A few months ago, I met with the two district managers in our area for Starbucks and got asset to see where I was in my development at Starbucks and to see if I was ready to move up the chain of command. Everything went well but I needed a second store experience, (bigger store = more people to manage, more challenges) and I needed to work in a drive thru store. It took a few months to get the ball rolling but not long enough. Earlier this week, I worked my last shift.

I'm not sure why I had such a hard time, maybe it was because I was PMSing, who knows, but it was hard to leave. I even picked up one last baby shift just so I could have one last final close. It was a good close too, I got to see most my favorite evening customers and got hugs from some amazing partners.

I know the store is literally right down the road and I can go there anytime and even pick up shifts to cover but I loved that store. When I started there last May, I had a hard time fitting in. A lot of the partners had been at that store for years and they had their own clique. The store was at a rough patch and a lot of work needed to be done, so I went in and helped get the job done. I learned a lot from that store, grew a lot as a manager and met and made some great friends.

I'm excited for my future with Starbucks and I know that when doors close others open up for certain reasons.

I've worked two shifts at my new store and I hate feeling like the newbie. Today was harder then yesterday but I know it will get better. I am truly thankful for the partners that have welcomed me with opened arms and I sort of dislike the ones that have not been very nice to me. I won't hold that against them though.

With all of this, hopefully change will become easier. Someday.


  1. LUCKY! That is what you are! Working for Starbucks? I have been trying to get a job at the one up the street from my house! But nope!

    Thanks for stopping by and commenting! I love your blog!!


    1. I tried for years to get onto Starbucks too! Just keep trying and get to know some of the baristas there, once you know them, let them know you applied! It really pays to know people who know people at Starbucks! :-)

  2. pssssssst... I nominated you... go check out my blog :) and grab your award!!


  3. Change is always a good thing. Soon enough you won't be the newbie anymore! :)

    1. I know and I can't wait. Change is a good thing, I just have a hard time with it!
