
Nothing to say

"I need another story, Something to get off my chest, My life gets kinda boring, Need something that I can confess"- One Republic

One Republic says it the best! I have writers block and can not think of anything to write about. I can write about my week or my daily adventures of being a Nanny but it's the same ol' story. Though the family I work for now is a hoot! 4 girls, all in a different age range and all of them have their own little personality. I was talking to their Mom this morning and told her I felt like I should apologize to my Mom because some of things they do, or say, I used to do and all I can do is laugh about it.

I must say that in the past two weeks, I have found a new love for music. These girls love music and they love to sing! I'm currently addicted to Tik Tok because of them; I love to put it on and listen to them sing it. It's so cute! Especially when the 4 year old does it!

It's been a short week as the girls have parent teacher conferences this week, so I'm off by 1 each day, it's been nice. Of course, I haven't done anything productive with my time, but my apartment is already clean and all my errands have been ran, so relaxing and catching up on shows I haven't watched for a while has been nice.

I'm expecting a huge order from Scentsy today! I'm getting two boxes both of which are 30 lbs a piece. That's a lot of goodness! So, I'm sure I'll be packaging up orders and watching American Idol tonight.

I'll be heading to Othello this weekend, all by myself though. The Mr. has to work and I have Scentsy to deliver and people to see! Important people too, like my best friends husband who has made it back from Afghanistan!

I'm off to get the girls up and read for school! I hope my writers block goes away soon!

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