
Just another Manic Monday

I'm so tired I should really be sleeping but I thought I would type out a quick blog before hitting the hay. Daylight Savings really threw me off this time around and I'm not sure if it's because I actually am waking up earlier then I'm used to or if it's really the whole losing one hour thing. All I know is that I'm tired and ready for bed!

Getting up and ready for work this morning felt a little different because since The Mr. and I have been together, he's always been the one to wake up and get ready first but since I have to be there by 6 A.M., I'm the one waking up first. We'll get used to it, I'm sure, just a little different.

We had a good weekend but it went by really fast. My whole family ended up coming over for dinner on Friday and I cooked instead of us going out. It was the first time we've had that many people in our apartment but it was a nice visit! It was fun to watch the Huskies win with my Dad too! I'm excited for March Madness! I hope the Dawgs do well on Friday.

I've been looking at dresses for Ivonne's wedding and I just can not decide. I have a few months before I have to make my decision but there are so many dresses that I like and then having to pick a color is making it even more difficult for me to pick one. I think I've narrowed it down to a handful that I really like, I just need to pick the one. Forget asking The Mr. for advice too; no matter which one I say I like, he likes too. I think he's pulling my leg. ;-)

There's so much going on this week though, I wish the days would slow down a little bit. Today flew by so fast and I really didn't get anything I wanted to do after work but tomorrow is another day! Tomorrow, I MUST go to the post office and to the grocery store.

Here's to a great Tuesday and an amazing week!

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