
Home again, home again

We made it home after our long weekend in Othello. It was a wonderful weekend with two Thanksgiving dinners, Dad's birthday, some much needed relaxing and some great family time!

We left Kennewick on Thursday morning and got back into town this afternoon. We stopped at Costco on the way home for a few items and got some Christmas shopping done! I'm so excited for Christmas! Our tree is up, Scentsy warmers are changed, Christmas lights are up outside and the house is warm, what more could I ask for? I was glad to get some shopping done considering we're doing Christmas early this year with my family and I'm excited to give my family their gifts. I think they are really going to dig them, but we're stuck on what to get my Dad, this happens every year!

Dad's birthday was wonderful, he spent it with his family, just like he asked for. We had a great turkey dinner that was prepared by Mom and had dessert and family time afterwards. We were surprised with a visit by my Grandma Connie and it was a good surprise and a nice visit. I know my Dad was so thankful she stopped by for his birthday. We got some pictures of us with her and the only one she smiled in was the picture with The Mr. When she was leaving she reminded me that I had a good one and to take care of him. You got it, Grandma!

I totally skipped over Thanksgiving, it was awesome! We had it at Tia Mary's house where she had her side of the family and then her husband Larry's family also joined us for dinner. I think at one point there were about 40 people in the house and we had enough food for all that and more! It was a great time and so nice that both families could get together and celebrate. We even had fireworks! That that 4th of July! ;-)

I really can not believe it's almost December, where has this month gone?


Thanksgiving is tomorrow and I'll be surrounded by my family and those I love the most. This time of year I am always taken back by the fact of all the things I have in my life that I'm thankful for. I wish I felt like this year around but of course my busy life gets in the way of that and it always takes the holidays to bring that feeling back. I felt like I needed to post a few reasons why I'm so thankful today and why I should count my blessings everyday.

Most importantly, I am thankful for my beautiful family. I truly believe I have the most wonderful, understanding and accepting parents. I would not be the person I am today if it wasn't for them. I'm sure there have been times were we have disappointed them but no matter the situation they have always come around and supported us. They raised us to be strong willed, outspoken and polite women. The raised us with morals and values that won't be shaken. I am forever thankful for the bond I have with my sisters, one stronger then the other but it's still a bond. I may not talk to them everyday but I know if I needed to get a hold of them at this second, I could. I love my family and couldn't ask for a better one.

I am thankful for my amazing boyfriend. This man has changed my life, I don't know where we'll end up but whatever happens he will have greatly impacted me in a beautiful way. First off, he puts up with me and someone who does I have to be thankful for but really, he treats me like a woman should be treated, knows when to make me laugh and when to hold me and knows how to do the dishes! ;-)

I am thankful for my friends. The friends that are far and those that are near. The friends who have been friends with me since we were young and those who I may have just met. The friends who always have my back even if they don't agree with what I'm doing or how I'm doing it. The friends who have their own life and it may be days, weeks or months from the last time we talked but when we do, it's like we haven't missed  a day. You know who you are, and I'm so thankful for you.

I am thankful for having a heated apartment and a roof over my head. It's been so cold here and while watching the news last night they were talking about the homeless shelters being full and some people having to sleep on the floor or in chairs. My heart breaks for them. I wish I could open my home to keep them warm but Rambo would not like that. I hope they too are thankful for the warm place they get to sleep, even if it's for a day.

I'm thankful for the family I work for and the boys I get to watch grow up. I love those two boys and they know it. We have so much fun today and I enjoy getting to act like a kid from time to time.

I am thankful for our dog. That sound so weird but he lights up our lives everyday. He has such a personality sometimes it's scary. He's always making us laugh and is the first to let us know he loves us when we've been gone too long or are having a bad day. We love Rambo!

I am thankful for so many things I could keep going and going but most of all I am thankful for life and even though sometimes it's hard, I am able to love it and enjoy it. I hope everyone has wonderful Thanksgiving and finds a ton of things to be thankful for and counts their blessings as they are surrounded by loved ones and friends.

Welcome Winter!

Winter is here, even though the calendar says different the weather is proving otherwise. It has been so cold and we could just tell the snow was coming and sure enough, the snow started Sunday night and didn't stop until this morning! I have not seen this much snow in years, I really like the snow, I think it's beautiful but I hate driving in it. If I was by myself on the road I'd be okay but people are idiots and have no clue how to drive in these conditions. Yesterday was the worse, I saw 3 accidents and probably 5 cars spun out and in the ditch. Slow down! The Mr. and I have been super safe, taking it easy and giving ourselves plenty of time to get to where we need to and back. He's been such a trooper in all this too, getting up earlier then needed to make sure our cars are clean and defrosted for our drives, scraping all the ice and snow off. He's amazing!

I worked yesterday and of course we had to play in the snow! We had a lot of fun, of course the boys were being boys and attacked the nanny with snowballs, but it was a good time! We tried to build a snowman but it was a light and fluffy snow so the poor snowman kept falling apart. We made snow angels and tried to sled down the hill in the back but it got really cold, really fast, so we headed inside to warm up!

We've also put up our Christmas tree. It's so cute and so small and so beautiful, I love it. It's perfect for our apartment and us. I thought Rambo would try to pull some tricks on it, if you know what I mean, but he's been good and hasn't even tried to touch it. Right after we put it up, it started snowing...I was so excited! I love this time of year, the holidays, the traffic, the music, everything...I love it!

I'm excited for Thanksgiving. We'll be going to my parents on Thursday morning and then having dinner at my Tia Mary's house. I'm sure the food and the party will be great! We'll be staying in Othello for the majority of the weekend because 1) we are leaving for Christmas and 2) my Dad's birthday is on Saturday!

I hope everyone is staying safe in this crazy weather and keeping warm!

Here are some pictures of our winter storm!

Enjoy![gallery link="file" columns="2"]

P.S. I like the look of the little pictures, but if you want to view them in actual size, just click on them! :-)

P.P.S. How about my new Christmas look? I'm in major love! :-)

Las Vegas by Pictures

Because it's been a few weeks since we've been back from Vegas and I'm trying to get caught up on blog posts, I'm just going to show you Vegas by pictures. We had a lot of fun and I was so glad that I got to meet The Mr.'s sister and her fiance! I can not wait til I get to see them again! Enjoy!

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On the plane

I'm writing from the plane on the way home from beautiful Las Vegas. It was a wonderful time, spent with amazing people.

I had the pleasure of meeting The Mr.'s sister for the first time, she lives in Houston and her fiance and her came to celebrate The Mr.'s 30th birthday with us! We had a great time, had drinks, had some good food, good laughs, spent some money and of course saw an awesome show!

I love Vegas and I'm sure I'll be back again but I'm tired. My feet hurt and I'm sort of tired of walking. That's what you do in Vegas though, so it's okay. The first time I went, we stayed for 7 days and it was great. This time, I was ready to go home yesterday. I was a grump for a little bit yesterday but quickly recovered. :-)

I have pictures to share and I'll do that once I'm home and relax.

The Mr. is falling asleep right next to me, I should take a picture! I just did and he caught me! I'll post it later!

Okay, more Vegas posts to come! :-)

I promise.

To update soon! I've been busy since I got back from Vegas but will update ASAP! I started a blog on the way home from Vegas but never posted it, I'll do that soon and then write more later!


We had a fun, semi relaxing and enjoyable Halloween with my family in Othello. We got there Saturday afternoon and relaxed for awhile, the boys watched football, we talked and ate, you know, did all the stuff families do! That evening the senior class at the high school put on a carnival for children to go to with games and prizes and whatnot. My sister had to work so she asked me to talk Loryn and I couldn't pass it up! We pulled Grandma out of the house with us and had a great time. She was a little "nervous" at first but after awhile she warmed up and she loved it.

That evening The Mr. and I went down to the Eagles where my aunt is the bartender and had ourselves a few drinks! It was a fun time, saw some people I hadn't seen awhile, had a few venting sessions with a few people and of course we closed the bar out. It's always a good night when that happens. We got home pretty late and we could sure feel it the next day! I felt like a zombie Sunday morning and The Mr. was in and out of sleep all day long!

Sunday night rolled around and it was time for trick or treating! We got Loryn all dressed up and her and I hit the streets. We walked around my parents neighborhood and then went to few other neighborhoods in the area. Her feet started to hurt a little ways into it so we made a pit stop back at home for a shoe change and then we went right back out! We were out for over an hour and she was ready to actually go home and help Grandpa hand out candy. She had a ton of fun doing that for about 15 minutes and then gave up when she was trying to play and hand out candy, it just wasn't working.

The Mr. and I headed back to Kennewick around 9:30 Sunday night, we were still very tired and not ready to go to work the next day. The weekend flew by and I know I was feeling it come Monday morning. I had so much fun spending Halloween with my family!

I have a few pictures from the weekend and the beautiful bouquet for flowers The Mr. bought me yesterday! Enjoy![gallery link="file" columns="2"]

A tad bit overwhelmed!

I'm taking a moment to write and just veg out from the rest of the work around me. I've been feeling a little overwhelmed lately and for some reason I'm on super stress mode right now. I recently was introduced to the world of facebook marketing, I guess you can call it. Tons of people run their business over facebook and it blows my mind on how the keep up with it. There's a page I got introduced to the other day, you can post items for sale over on her page and she basically sells them for you. It's a great way to get my name out there and make some extra money with the stock I have on hand. So this past Monday, I posted some items and I honestly didn't expect much from it but I was so wrong! I have 11 packages total to ship out! I need to go to the post office but I hate taking the boys with me because they get crazy, so I have to do it on my day off. I hope I don't look like a fool walking into the post office with ELEVEN packages!

Anyway, in the mean time, I've been trying to stay connected with all the fans who have added me to their facebook. I need to get parties going and no one seems to be biting. I had a few great months but it looks like November is going to be slow. I don't really want that but I know not every month is going to amazing, it's just sort of a drag. I'm trying to at least get a basket party going, we'll see how it goes, I'm trying hard to not get discouraged. I'm coming out of an amazing month though, so that's good!

In other news, today was mine and The Mr.'s 10 months since we've been dating. He got me an amazing fallish bouquet of flowers and I made him cheesecake because that's what he loves. It's been a good 10 months and I can't believe it's almost been a whole year! I should post a picture of the flowers, I'm so horrible at this picture thing. Ugh.

Both the boys are sleeping and I should really put the laundry in the dryer but I just don't feel like moving. I'm seriously trying to figured out how I'm going to mail off 11 packages, book parties, go to Vegas, help Amanda with the bizarre on the 20th, put together a basket for that, celebrate Thanksgiving and still be alive to see another birthday. Holy moly!

I swear I'll write about Halloween and post the few pictures I took of my nieces that day!

Sometimes I feel like I'm writing to no one...if you read this, please leave me a comment and let me know I'm not writing to a wall.


I'm still here

The last two weeks of October flew by! Holy moly they went so fast and now November is here and I'm pretty sure the next two months are going to fly by just as fast!

We basically have something to do every weekend of November which include family pictures, Vegas, Scentsy parties and Thanksgiving! Somewhere in there we'll have birthdays to celebrate and we need to start Christmas shopping. The Mr. refuses to go to the mall with me this time of year, so I'm not sure how we're going to get this done. We're doing Christmas early with my family since The Mr. and I will be in Texas for the actual holiday so it's crunch time!

I took all the Halloween decorations down yesterday and as I'm typing this I realized I never took pictures of them. Oh well, sorry. They were cute, that's all that matters! I put away my Halloween Scentsy warmers and brought out my Thanksgiving ones, but I did keep the super cute jack o' lantern out because he's sooo cute and it's too soon to put him away.

Work has been good, the days go by so fast and we stick to a pretty strict schedule considering Devin has school everyday at noon, so we work like clock work and before I know it, the day is over.

The Mr. and I have decided to stop eating out so much. It's a really good though after we sat down and figured out how much we were spending on dining each month. I won't give you an amount, it's kind of embarrassing. I really thought I was cooking more then that, but I guess I was wrong. Anyway, I'm working on getting some new recipes because sometimes I feel like I cook the same things over and over again! I don't want my amazing boyfriend to get tired of my cooking just yet! If you know anything good, let me know! I'm willing to try long as it doesn't have beets or cauliflower because we both HATE them! :-)

I'm pretty much rambling, but it's been a few weeks since I've wrote so my mind is kind of all over the place. I'll write about our Halloween weekend tomorrow!