
Week 21 Weigh In

Week 21 is over and out! I can't believe how fast these weeks have gone, I feel like I just started this journey yesterday!

I really feel like the past week was a great one. I got all my activity in, I stuck to my points and only used 11 of my weeklies. My goal was to lose 1.4 pounds so I could hit 40 pounds lost, and I did it!

One of the things that I told myself from the start was that I wasn't going to let the scale determined my mood. I weigh in every Wednesday at 6 o'clock in the morning, depending on which way the scale is goes can really determined how my day is going to go. I usually know if I've had a good or bad week before I walk in the door and most of the time I know which way the scale is going to go. I prepare myself for it so that way if I gain, I won't let it bring me down. If I lose, I try not to let myself celebrate too much, I just take in that moment and move on.

This weeks meeting topic was about when food isn't the right answer. Personally, I know I used to always turn to food. Any chance I got, I was eating. I mean, lets be honest, food is good and even though it may have been an addiction, food cures a lot of things. I'm an emotional eater and eat for anything, so hearing tools that people do to stay away from food was really eyeopening for me. I still am an emotional eater but now I think I just make better choices about it. Instead of candy, I'll pick an apple.

In these 21 weeks I can really say that I've learned that it is all about choices and what you choose to fuel your body with.



Lately I've been taken back by the fact that I'm inspiring people. It baffles me that little ol' me is inspiring people to make healthy choices. 

I've gotten a lot of questions about what is working for me, where I get recipes from and how to find motivation. I'm always honest and more then willing to share what is working for me and how I'm getting it done every day, but I remind them that I am not a pro at this. I still eat food that I shouldn't, I still dislike working out and I still miss McDonald's and fried foods. I just know that eating those things or not doing the workouts will not get me where I want to be and all they will offer is instant gratification.

I've really had to learn that every weight loss journey is different, just like everyone is a different person. I will not lose weight the same way someone else did. I can not eat things other people can because it may throw me back to my bad habits. I've really had to learn to read my body and know what works for me.

I can share tips, hints and answers all day long but that doesn't mean it's going to work for you or be what is best for you. I want it to work for you though, so badly.

My biggest advice and inspiration I can give someone is to do what works for you. Find the program (Weight Watchers, counting calories or carbs) and stick with it. The hardest part of the journey is starting it and sticking to it. I'll never regret starting this journey again, even if it is my third time.

Third times the charm! 

Still truckin'!

It's been a heck of a long time since I've updated my blog. I've come to terms with the fact that I'm a horrible blogger and I'll probably always suck at it. If you're on Instagram or Facebook, you can keep up with my progress there and actually stay more up to date with it.

Since my last blog post, I've gotten married, went on my honeymoon, gained a few pounds and lost them all over again. Right before the wedding, I hit 30 pounds lost and then with the 3 weeks that we were gone, I only gained about 3 pounds. I was actually pretty surprised and they came back off pretty fast. It was really hard to get back into the grove of things, it took me about a week and a half to actually get my butt in gear and get back into the game.

With all of that, I'm still trucking along this weight loss journey. I'm currently at 38.6 pounds lost (and I don't want to find them again!). I've learned a lot since I started losing weight again and there have been a lot of thing that have opened my eyes. It is kind of funny how you learn to love foods that before you refused to taste and there are foods that I see and think "how could I have ever eaten that?!"

Clothes are starting to fit better, it's to the point where I'm having to buy new clothes too. Such a great feeling! I have had to buy two new pairs of jeans in different sizes and this past weekend I ended up buying some jeans at a thrift store. I refuse to pay $50 bucks for a pair of jeans that I'm only going to wear for a few weeks. I can't take credit for that one though, a coworker told me to do that after I was complaining about the price of jeans. Honestly, I never thought thrift store had clothes in my size.

I try to cook dinner almost every night, I love to cook and love finding new recipes that are healthy and delicious. If I don't cook dinner, we normally pick a "healthy" place to go to dinner, or my friends and family are really great about helping me figure out the points for the meal.

I've really been trying to mix up my activity. Some days I'll walk, other days I'll go to the gym. I've done work out videos, gone for bike rides and just in general, been more active. The Mr. and I are starting to park further away from stores and just walking further. It works! I try to get 30 minutes of activity in, 5 days a week. People forget that it doesn't have to strenuous exercise, just simply going out there and getting your heart rate up will get the job done! The best part about it all is that I can go further and harder then I used to. I used to dread 30 minutes on the treadmill but now it's no big deal and I actually enjoy it.

My goal this week is to lose 1.4 pounds. If I hit my goal, I'll be at 40 pounds gone! I try to set small goals for myself every week. They don't always deal with weight, they are just small goals to help the week go by fast and help me get healthy. I weigh in on Wednesday morning, so we'll see! I'm crossing my fingers!