
My first giveaway win!

From time to time I'll take a dive into the blog giveaway world, most the time luck is not on my side but last week I actually won a giveaway! I was so excited! Not only was it just a "giveaway'" it was a giveaway by one of my favorite bloggers and it was stuff from her amazing Etsy store! So cool!

I love everything I got in my package but my favorite part is the Eisley Necklace. It's one of those necklaces that can be worn when you are dressing up or if you're just out and about. I can't wait to wear this with one of my favorite outfits!
The best part of the whole giveaway is that she sent one one of those super cute necklaces to my best friend! And I got to pick the color of it! I hope Amanda loves it!

I plan on placing an order soon so I can enjoy more of the goodies Your Wishcake has to offer! I also suggest you go and read her blog! She writes to inspire and to share her dreams but charms you with her humor.

Lunch break

I spent the morning cleaning house. It's not my favorite thing to do, but being able to sit down and look at a clean house is refreshing. The pile of laundry that needs to be folded still haunts me, but I'll get to that later.

I normally do housework on Sunday's and spend Monday's running errands and whatever else I think I need to do. Instead of doing housework yesterday, we spent the day with my parents and niece. We went and had brunch, went to the mall, to the craft store, to Best Buy, to Starbucks, and then came back to our place and relaxed a little bit. After a little R&R, we went and showed them the wedding venue and then went out for dinner. It was a great day! I didn't get anything productive done, but oh well, there's always tomorrow, right?

So today, I'm doing laundry, dusting and vacuuming the living room, sweeping and mopping the kitchen and then folding all the laundry. I was on a roll but I sat down to eat lunch and decided to blog. Now I need to find the motivation to get back up.....

Here's to a clean house and folded clothes! Happy Monday!

Life is good!

I haven't blogged in awhile; there really hasn't much been to blog about. I suppose that is a good thing though. I find myself going through phases or maybe it's really writers block, whatever it may be, no news is good news, and nothing but good is going on here. 

Wedding plans are going well, we're kind of at a stand still for now though. We have over a year left and there isn't much else we can do until the day gets closer. We've been working on finalizing our guest list and getting a rough head count. The Mr. and I have been talking about food and what we want to serve and we just can not agree on something. All I know is that I want amazing food that everyone will love....and it needs to pair with wine! That's not too much to ask, is it? 

We plan on taking engagement pictures in the summer and once we get those back, we'll send save the dates out. I can not wait to take pictures! 

Work has been good, I've been opening a lot which has been really nice but by the end of week, I'm one tired lady! I enjoy being home in the evenings and cooking dinner. I have found that I'm running out of ideas though and have been spending a lot of time looking up new recipes. I made a goal to make weekly dinner menus in hopes that I get inspired to find new ideas and meals!

Another goal that I have is start decorating our place. We've been here since July and have yet to put anything up the walls. I have picture frames on the end tables and shelves but nothing up on the wall and I'm tired of staring at blank walls. When we lived in the apartment, I bought picture frames, printed pictures and got them all set up to hang but never actually got to it. I'm determined to do this! I just need nails and a stud finder, I see a trip to Home Depot in our future! I'll have to take before and after pictures of our walls, I can't wait to get this done!

Other then all of that, life is good and it gets better every day!