
Lazy Day

I've been extremely lazy today and part of me doesn't really care. How's that for honesty? You see, I spend 4 days a week running around with two very active little boys. We're always doing something! We're in the car a lot of the time, at social outings, swim lessons, the library, parks and the mall. When Friday comes, I'm pooped and ready for a rest.

I'm really not trying to complain because I love my job but today I'm seriously in a funk and getting out of it is becoming a challenge. I woke up at 8 o'clock and stayed in my PJ's until 11, when I finally made myself get in the shower. I took a shower, got dressed and returned right to the couch. It is now 2 pm and I haven't done anything productive, at all, all day.

If I wasn't feeling so damn lazy I would probably be: cleaning, doing laundry, working out, thinking of what to make for dinner, coming up with a grocery list, out in the community doing some secret top stuff that I can not disclose on the internet or napping.

Anyway, enough about me being lazy! Pablo and I are going grocery shopping when he gets home and it's never a fun time. He hates doing it and I hate it just as much! Obviously, it has to be done because we eat to live but if I could hire someone to do it for me, I would! Pablo told me when he lived in Atlanta he would order his groceries online and they would deliver them to his door, now that, my friends, is amazing! Why doesn't a local store offer that here in little Kennewick, WA? I have no doubt in my mind that we would use that service!

We don't have much planned for the weekend but we both have Monday off and I'm looking forward to that! It will be nice to sleep in and spend the day with my Love!

Okay, here I go to try to be productive....

1 comment:

  1. check out this website....
