
Happy Fall!

I am so ready for fall and for Halloween. Last week the weather teased us, got us all ready for fall, I was even wearing a sweater! This week has been nothing but hot weather, shorts and short sleeved shirts. I want fall and I want it now! We had to go to the grocery store today (and this trip was better then last!) but The Mr. let me buy HALLOWEEN DECORATIONS! Yay! I love decorating, it's something my mom went all out on when I was a kid, Halloween started it and then went Thanksgiving and last, but not least, Christmas! I'm going to keep the tradition for my home and hopefully my children will love it as much as I do. I have to go to Othello on Friday and I hope to sneak into my parents house and take some decorations. Shoot, my mom reads my blog! So much for that...anyway, that's my plan!

As soon as we got home and put the groceries away, I started to decorate. I'll take pictures tomorrow and post on my picture blog. I love it! We don't have plans for Halloween yet, but hopefully we'll go to a party or do something fun! What are you doing for Halloween?

I'm so excited about taking picture on Saturday even if we are going to be super busy. The wait to get them back is going to kill me. It's not like going to Walmart or Sears where they show you the pictures on the spot and I get to pick. I have to wait for her to edit them and then tell me they are online, and then we have to pick 10! 1O PICTURES...out of ALL of them that we take? Ugh! It's going to be so hard! :-( If you know me, I am not a patient person, at all, so I'll have to find something to pass the time with, and let's hope it doesn't take 2 full weeks.

On the other hand, I've been thinking about going back to school. I've really started getting into graphic and designing them (hints all the blog changes), so I've been looking into graphic designing, and I think it's something I would enjoy doing. I'm going to continue to research it and see where it leads me. Sounds good, right? I'll keep you informed on what happens.

Tomorrow is my Friday and you should be jealous, not really though.

Until next time,

Sunday, again?

I can not believe it's Sunday! The weekends go so fast and I hate it! I normally have 3 day weekends too, I can not imagine how fast it would go if I didn't have Friday off. Anyway, it was a good weekend, I didn't do anything major, got some relaxing in, fixed my blog and went clothes shopping for our photo shoot next Saturday. I am SO excited for that! I can not wait but I'm sure The Mr. could. He hates taking pictures and is NOT excited, at all. I think once we get there, get going and are having fun, he'll enjoy himself, but until then, it's going to be a long week.

Yesterday I had a Scentsy party in Othello and it went really well for only having 6 people there. I was excited and I booked a party off of it, so that makes it a successful party! After the party I went to my cousins 13th birthday party, it was nice, all family with one of her friends. I thought it was really sweet that she would want to have a family birthday party over a friend birthday party, and she's only 13!! Lot's of food, good laughs and I'm sure some people had some drinks. I, on the other hand, had nothing to drink, I decided I wanted to come home and spend at least one day at home for a change. We spend a lot of time in Othello and sometimes it's just nice to stay home, but I do love my family.

I realized earlier today that we go to Vegas very soon. I am not ready for this trip at all. Oops. Shortly after Vegas, we'll head to El Paso for Christmas. I'm super nervous about the Texas trip. It's starting to become bittersweet about being away from home for Christmas, I wonder what my parents think? Loryn is excited about it because I told her she'll have two Christmas's! Is that even a word? Oh well!

Other then that, life is good, ups and downs here and there but that's life, right? I'm excited for the next few months and so excited for fall! I'm sure it'll be New Years before I know it!

That's all I have for now, I promise I will try to blog more and upload pictures more too! I must!

Until next time,

The sickness

I'm glad I'm feeling better cause what I had was no fun and I feel bad for anyone else that had it. I was basically out of service Saturday night, Sunday and Monday. I was feeling great earlier this morning but something happened a few hours ago and I'm a litter concerned that I'm not at 100%.

We desperately needed groceries and normally on days that we grocery shop I don't cook dinner, we just go out, so as planned, we found a place to eat dinner. Everything was fine and dinner was great, we headed to Wal-Mart to do our shopping and I started to get nauseated and I knew it was not going to be pretty. I headed right for the bathroom and sure enough, I got sick. I don't think the food was bad, I just don't think I'm back to normal and I shouldn't have eaten such a full meal.

Needless to say, The Mr. had to do most of the shopping by himself, I went out to the truck to sit and just relax because I was still pretty nauseated after I got sick. He's such a good guy!

Anyway, be careful for whatever it is that's going around. It's not fun!

Until next time,

1 year

A year ago today I was:
  • Working at Starbucks
  • Living at home
  • Just bought a 1992 Nissian Maxima
  • Checking my email like a crazy lady
  • At this exact time, I was probably driving to or just getting to work (1:18pm)
Today I am:
  • Working as a nanny
  • Living with my amazing boyfriend
  • Just purchased a 2001 Dodge Durango
  • Still checking my email like a crazy lady, but not because I am waiting for a handsome man to write me back :-)
  • Sitting at work, waiting for Sawyer to wake up and until it's time to get Devin from preschool
A year ago today started something I didn't see coming, something I never thought would happen and something that I would never change. A year ago I met the man I love, dreamed of and hope to be with, forever. If you would have asked me a year ago, I didn't want to be in a relationship, wasn't even thinking about "forever" and never thought I would end up as a nanny in Kennewick, nonetheless. But here I am, happy as a clam, loving where life has taken me and so excited for the future.

I feel like I can finally breathe without it hurting, smile without the mask and love the way I should.

Life is good.

I can not wait to see what the next year brings!

Until next time,

Home Sweet Home

It's been too long! Life has gotten busy and I finally have time to write. It seems like every weekend we have something to do or somewhere to be. It's not a bad thing and it really makes me enjoy having a few hours of nothing going on. We have a wedding to go to tonight so eventually we'll be running around again.

Scentsy is still going well, I just got my first commission check! Woo! Having a little extra money is always nice. I was told to spend it wisely and that I will do! I need to turn around and spend a little bit of it on Scentsy, catalogs and whatnot.

The apartment always smells so good, I don't know how anyone could not like or enjoy Scentsy. If you don't know what it is or haven't tried it, we need to talk! It's really easy to sell too, you'd be surprised how many people DON'T know what it is.

I got a pedicure and manicure earlier today and I was in heaven! Last time I went to this place they used hot towels as the "spa" part of the pedicure, today they used a hot stone and it felt amazing. It makes me want to a hot stone massage. Has anyone ever gotten one of these? I bet it would feel so good!

I'm excited for fall, I can not wait to cuddle with blanket, drink hot coco, carve pumpkins, eat pumpkin pie and of course burn pumpkin pie smelling Scentsy! Yum! And it's football season too! Who doesn't like fall? Seriously!

Okay, I need to go get ready for the wedding and I have to be done before 4pm so I can watch the Huskies play! Go Dawgs!

Until next time,