
Duplex Pictures!

The Mr. and I stopped by the duplex this evening and we were able to get some pictures! I'm sure the workers are so tired of seeing us but they are always so nice and always let us walk around and view the progress. They did confirm that it would be done the first part of July! I'm so so excited! Enjoy the pictures!
The front of duplex
View from doorway
Dining Room
Living room view from dining room
Master bedroom closet
Master bedroom bathroom
Master bathroom shower
Master bathroom bath
Bedroom 1
Bedroom 2
Bedroom 2 closet
Guest bathroom
View from far side of the complex
Backyard (fencing is not finished)

Side of the duplex/entry to the complex
I'm so in love with it! I hope we get amazing next door neighbors!

Crunch Time!

I thought I would write a little before going to work. It's my Friday but I have a whole list of things to do on my days off. One of those things is go and actually apply for my passport, it's crunch time! August will be here before we know it and we'll be leaving to Mexico sooner then we think. I don't want to get stuck in Mexico so getting my passport is top priority right now. The second thing I'm going to be doing is cleaning this apartment! I feel like since working at Starbucks I haven't had the time to clean much of anything. The basics are done (dishes, laundry etc.) but I really need to deep clean the bathroom, vacuum, clean up the bedroom; you know, all the stuff we hate doing.

Last weekend we went to Othello and had a Goodbye Party to Amanda and Brad. My best friend of many many years is moving far far away. It's a bittersweet thing for me. I'm so excited for them and the journey they are going to start as a family but I'm so sad at the same time. She won't be an hour and half away from me anymore but I know she'll just be a phone call or a plane ride away. I'm still so sad she's leaving but I know no matter how far away we'll be from each other, she will always be my bestest friend, in the whole wide world.

At the end of June, The Mr. and I will be going to Seattle for a few days. His favorite baseball team is the Atlanta Braves and he hasn't seen them play in a few years since being on this side of the country. So since they are playing in Seattle this year, we are taking 3 days off of work and going to the Emerald City to enjoy a little R & R and watch some good baseball. Did I mention we'll be going to 3 games? Ha! I don't really watch a lot of baseball, but I'm sure I said it before; I'd do anything for this man, including watching baseball, 3 days in a row. If it wasn't for Dan Uggla, I probably wouldn't be very excited to go. He's sexy.

We also got an update on our duplex! The realtor said it should be ready at the end of June or early part of July! Who wants to help us move? I'll buy dinner and the beer! I know I said it before, but I am seriously dreading moving. I'm hoping to make my way over to the duplex this weekend and take some pictures of the outside. If I do, I'll be sure to post them!


Yay! My blog design is all installed and looks amazing! I'm in love with it! I even have a cute button on the side. If you blog, please grab my button and pass it on, I'll do the same for you!

This week will mark one month at Starbucks and so far I think my favorite shift to work is a closing shift. I sure do miss having the evenings off with The Mr. but we close early enough that I'm home by 9 at the latest. I just like the feel of closing; the customers, the other workers and being able to stay busy with tasking is nice. Our store manager came back today and I think we figured out that I would be the main closer so I'm stoked about that!

We have another CPS family meeting on Wednesday and I am dreading it. I hope and pray that the meeting ends the way we all want it to and that everyone remembers it's about Emma and making sure we do what is best for her. I also pray for this to end soon. I'm tired of dealing with the emotions of it and like I said before, I wish it would go away.

I'm really good at putting my emotions on the back burner about the situation, especially if I'm working. I mean, it's always on my mind but I can easily forget about it if I'm keeping myself busy. Sunday was a different story though. It was just a weird day in general. I felt weird at work, couldn't get in the groove, felt really unwelcome and then a customer got upset with me and had no problem telling me that "I made his skin crawl!" All I really wanted to do was crawl into the fetal position and cry. I remember at some point during the day just thinking about everything going on around me and just getting emotional. Sometimes it's a lot to deal with and some days are worse then others for me, Sunday was one of those days.

But tomorrow's another day, right? That's what I kept telling myself and I made it another day, and that rude customer did not come into Starbucks today either. Thank God.

So. Mad.

It's like we take a few steps forward and then the next day we take those those few steps back and we're back to where we started.

I can not begin to tell you how upset and hurt I am. Just when I thought things were working out and going in the right direction, shit hits the fan and the feelings of December come crawling back again.

I gave her too much credit, I wanted so badly for her to be moving in the right direction. I really thought we were almost there. Boy, was I wrong.

He's under her skin again and I really don't think there's no turning back now.

I wish it would all go away......

Trying to be productive

I really think laundry will be the death of me. I hate doing it and more then anything, I hate putting clean laundry away. It's a chore that is NEVER done and just when you think you are close to being done, you turn around and a pair of underwear you dropped and didn't see is lying on the floor! I am forcing myself to get off the couch and put the clothes in the dryer to start the next load but you can obviously tell how well that is going.

I did a little bit of running around this morning, took a pair of shoes back, bought a few more work shirts, hit up Starbucks, made my way across town to the post office and now I'm back home enjoying my two days off. I meant to stop at Target but completely forgot until I was already home and my shoes were off. It's probably a good thing I didn't go though, I can spend some money there!

Sometimes I have a hard time blogging. I don't lead this crazy interesting life. I don't have children to take cute pictures of and we don't do exciting things all the time so I find myself stuck on what to write about. Someday I'll have those things and I hope when that happens, I'll have the time to blog. I could post the pictures I take of Rambo, but who wants to see our dog over and over again?

Did I tell you that our new duplex is going to have two bathrooms? I'm excited to buy stuff for the second bathroom and I can't decide if I should put our current set up in the master bedroom bathroom or the guest bathroom. I'm not sure how often we'll actually be using the guest bathroom, but I still want to decorate it so that when I use it or when we have guest it's cute and fun. I'm super excited about having those extra bedrooms too. I hope now, people will come and stay the night with us, I know Loryn will love it and hopefully Rita will come over now too! Maybe Pablo's family will come to visit as well!! (Hint hint, IVONNE!)

I really need to be productive today, so I'm going to turn the T.V. on, switch that laundry over and come back and watch The Doctors. That's productive, right?