It's been awhile and a lot has happened. Scentsy is going well, really well actually. I'm already a "Certified Consultant" which means I've sold over 1000 dollars and now make a higher pay in commission. Its been fun, and I hope to continue to do well in it. I just need to recruit and get some people under me so I can continue to move up in the company!
I had an event this weekend and that pretty much kept me busy all week long. I had magazines to put together, samples to make and little bags to stuff. Every evening, after dinner, I got stuff ready for the event. I did 100 dollars more then what girls normally do that have these events, so that makes me happy! The event was also at a little yard sale, so that's even better considering everything is .25 cents to 1 dollar. :-)
There were a few times this week that I wished I could crawl in a hole and every come back. On Thursday, I took the boys to the fair and while on the way to the fairgrounds my battery light turned on. I called The Mr. and he thought maybe it was my alternator and he told me to be careful because it would drain my battery. Well, me being me, I was more worried about getting the boys to the fair and having fun then my car, (shame on me now...) and went to the fair anyway. We had fun, walked around, played games, saw animals, ate fair food and decided it was time to go home around 1. So, we get in the car, load up and things were fine...until....not even half way home, my car....DIED! In the middle of the intersections and everything! I really didn't know what to do, I was worried about having the boys with me, no one answered their phone the first time I called and my phone just started to act up and I had lost all my numbers, including the boy's parents! Luckly, some very nice man came and helped me out of the busy intersection, and got me to a parking lot where we were safe and able to make phone calls.
Long story short, my car is dead, a new alternator is needed and that started the drama. We didn't know if I should get a new car or just pay for them to fix whatever may be wrong with it and go with the flow. We tossed and turned with every option and every idea and just decided to get a new car. So, now that everything is all said and done, I now drive a 2001 Dodge Durango. :-) I love my car, and I'll try to post pictures soon!
I know I missed out on a lot of what has been going on the last few weeks, but really, it's been work, Scensty, home, back to work and back to Scentsy. I've been staying busy....and having fun! What more could you ask for, right?
Until next time,
Party time!
I'm finally writing, I've been meaning to do it the last couple of days but I have my first party tonight so I've been gearing up for that. I'm excited and hope that the party is good! It's a little nerve racking, but it's for my best friend, so it shouldn't be that bad, right?
Anyway, as The Mr. puts it, Scentsy has taken over our lives. It's in the bedroom, in the living room...everywhere. He jokes about it, but he should be thankful the apartment doesn't smell!
The work week zoomed by, it normally does and I'm not sure if it's because I have Friday's off, but I swear before I know it, it's the end of the week. Though yesterday I wasted my Friday off. I had my phone on silent, The Mr. shut off the alarms and I slept in until 11:30!!! Things I should have been doing at noon, I was doing at 4 and I was freakin' irritated about it! I finally got caught up at 10pm and finished everything I needed to get done. I didn't make dinner, but we found a really good pizza place in Richland and had a few beers with it!
This week is going to by fast too. I have my launch party next Saturday so I have to get ready for that and figure out everything I am going to do.
I must hit the road now, I'll post more later!
Anyway, as The Mr. puts it, Scentsy has taken over our lives. It's in the bedroom, in the living room...everywhere. He jokes about it, but he should be thankful the apartment doesn't smell!
The work week zoomed by, it normally does and I'm not sure if it's because I have Friday's off, but I swear before I know it, it's the end of the week. Though yesterday I wasted my Friday off. I had my phone on silent, The Mr. shut off the alarms and I slept in until 11:30!!! Things I should have been doing at noon, I was doing at 4 and I was freakin' irritated about it! I finally got caught up at 10pm and finished everything I needed to get done. I didn't make dinner, but we found a really good pizza place in Richland and had a few beers with it!
This week is going to by fast too. I have my launch party next Saturday so I have to get ready for that and figure out everything I am going to do.
I must hit the road now, I'll post more later!
I haven't forgotten!
Dear Blogger Friends,
I have not forgotten about you. I have been super busy with Scentsy. I am so excited to start my business and get it rolling! Again, check out my website!
Current promotions:
Book a party with me at my Launch Party and get entered to win a warmer and scent of your choice!
Host a party during September and get entered to win the warmer and scent of the month!
If you love Scentsy as much as I do, join my team and be part of something you love!
Until next time,
I have not forgotten about you. I have been super busy with Scentsy. I am so excited to start my business and get it rolling! Again, check out my website!
Current promotions:
Book a party with me at my Launch Party and get entered to win a warmer and scent of your choice!
Host a party during September and get entered to win the warmer and scent of the month!
If you love Scentsy as much as I do, join my team and be part of something you love!
Until next time,
Welcome to Scentsy!
I did it! I signed up to be a Scentsy Consultant! I am so excited and know that I have an awesome director over me who is willing to help me out anyway possible. I just need to set up my customer base, get my name out there and hopefully I'll have my store up and running in no time.
If you would like to visit my Scentsy website, please check here.
I'm super excited and can not wait to get my starter kit! Whoop whoop (That's for you Ivonne ;-) )!
Until next time,
If you would like to visit my Scentsy website, please check here.
I'm super excited and can not wait to get my starter kit! Whoop whoop (That's for you Ivonne ;-) )!
Until next time,
I think I have writers block. It's not that I haven't wanted to blog, I just have nothing to write about. I'm sure hearing about my days is annoying, it's the same thing over and over again. I try to spice things up, I just fear I don't do a good job at it. I don't know.
I'm debating on selling Scentsy, I love the stuff and always have people looking for things, but end up sending them to my rep and know that they could be potential customers. I've booked another party for September and she wants me to use those sells as my opening sell for my Scentsy store. We'll see!
I have so much laundry that needs to get done, I am going to work on it on Friday. I have to meet up with Jenn at 10:30 and then I'm coming home to do laundry and clean! I haven't been going to the gym because I sprained my right foot. I'm not sure how I did it, but it hurt so bad! It's feeling a lot better though I think I'll go back to the gym on Monday. The Mr. told me if I went before it was feeling better he would cancel my membership!! So, I must obey doctor and boyfriend orders. :-)
The Mr. got me flowers yesterday and they are beautiful. I need to take a picture of them, I'm not sure why I haven't done that. We had a super yummy dinner and then went and got frozen yogurt for dessert. We really don't ever go out on the weeknights so leaving the house is a big deal if it's during the week.
Our dining room table is still on back order and it will probably be another two to three weeks until we get it. I was so sad when The Mr. called and told me. I really really really want it! I can't wait to sit at the table and eat and talk to The Mr. about our day and whatever else we may talk about.
I'm still trying to take pictures, I should just steal The Mr.'s camera for a day and go and take pictures. That's it...I'm gonna do it!
Until next time,
I'm debating on selling Scentsy, I love the stuff and always have people looking for things, but end up sending them to my rep and know that they could be potential customers. I've booked another party for September and she wants me to use those sells as my opening sell for my Scentsy store. We'll see!
I have so much laundry that needs to get done, I am going to work on it on Friday. I have to meet up with Jenn at 10:30 and then I'm coming home to do laundry and clean! I haven't been going to the gym because I sprained my right foot. I'm not sure how I did it, but it hurt so bad! It's feeling a lot better though I think I'll go back to the gym on Monday. The Mr. told me if I went before it was feeling better he would cancel my membership!! So, I must obey doctor and boyfriend orders. :-)
The Mr. got me flowers yesterday and they are beautiful. I need to take a picture of them, I'm not sure why I haven't done that. We had a super yummy dinner and then went and got frozen yogurt for dessert. We really don't ever go out on the weeknights so leaving the house is a big deal if it's during the week.
Our dining room table is still on back order and it will probably be another two to three weeks until we get it. I was so sad when The Mr. called and told me. I really really really want it! I can't wait to sit at the table and eat and talk to The Mr. about our day and whatever else we may talk about.
I'm still trying to take pictures, I should just steal The Mr.'s camera for a day and go and take pictures. That's it...I'm gonna do it!
Until next time,
You had me from the start
I have been dating The Mr. for seven months as of today. He has become someone I trust with my whole heart, love more then words can tell, look up to when days are good and bad and enjoy spending time with.
If you would have asked me a year ago, I would have never said I would be where I am today. He has made me a better person, in so many ways and there is no way I can repay him for that.
I love this man, and no one in this world can stop me!
Happy 7 months, love!
Until next time,
If you would have asked me a year ago, I would have never said I would be where I am today. He has made me a better person, in so many ways and there is no way I can repay him for that.
I love this man, and no one in this world can stop me!
Happy 7 months, love!
Until next time,
Another glass, please?
Another weekend has come and gone, but it was a good one! After everything is said and done, I'm home, with two bottles of wine and am currently drinking a glass. It's so good, I don't even like red wine, but this one is a-mazing! Amanda didn't really care for it, but it was my fave!
On Friday, The Mr. and I went to the Dust Devil's game. It was sooo hot and super muggy but we had a great time! The game went for 14 innings and then the Dust Devil's lost! We stayed for the whole thing and ended up being at the ball field until 11 o'clock. The Mr. caught a foul ball and he was super excited about it! He had never caught one before and the funny thing was that we were not even paying attention, he was holding two hot dogs and two ice cream sandwiches in his hands when he caught it! It came right at us!
On Saturday, I went to Yakima to spend Amanda's 23rd birthday with her. We had a great day which included getting our nails and feet done, wine tasting, dinner with family and then drinks at home after dinner. We loved wine tasting and probably had a little bit too much fun! I'm pretty sure we were buzzed when we left, and the lady was getting a kick out of us! I walked out with two bottles and I was ready to open them up!
We ended up staying up pretty late and it wasn't anything fun that we were dealing with, but the good thing is everyone is okay and looks like those who should be in trouble, are!
Anyway, I left Selah around 1 this afternoon, got home and slept! I was so tired, I don't think late nights are for me anymore. I woke up around 7 and have just been hanging out since. I'm sure The Mr. has enjoyed the weekend quite a bit. It's the first weekend in about a month that we both didn't have something to do. He sat at home most the weekend, caught up on sleep and watched lots of TV, I'm sure. He's currently enjoying a glass of wine with me and watching a movie.
We don't have much planned for the week, just work and back to the gym! I lost those few pounds that caught up with me last weekend! Yay! I'm just gonna keep on working with it, I know I just want to shed the pounds off, but in reality, that isn't good, I'd have too much extra skin hanging out. So, a little at a time!
I'm going to go read and catch up on a few books that I have been looking over for weight loss and I must plan dinner for tomorrow!
Until next time,
On Friday, The Mr. and I went to the Dust Devil's game. It was sooo hot and super muggy but we had a great time! The game went for 14 innings and then the Dust Devil's lost! We stayed for the whole thing and ended up being at the ball field until 11 o'clock. The Mr. caught a foul ball and he was super excited about it! He had never caught one before and the funny thing was that we were not even paying attention, he was holding two hot dogs and two ice cream sandwiches in his hands when he caught it! It came right at us!
On Saturday, I went to Yakima to spend Amanda's 23rd birthday with her. We had a great day which included getting our nails and feet done, wine tasting, dinner with family and then drinks at home after dinner. We loved wine tasting and probably had a little bit too much fun! I'm pretty sure we were buzzed when we left, and the lady was getting a kick out of us! I walked out with two bottles and I was ready to open them up!
We ended up staying up pretty late and it wasn't anything fun that we were dealing with, but the good thing is everyone is okay and looks like those who should be in trouble, are!
Anyway, I left Selah around 1 this afternoon, got home and slept! I was so tired, I don't think late nights are for me anymore. I woke up around 7 and have just been hanging out since. I'm sure The Mr. has enjoyed the weekend quite a bit. It's the first weekend in about a month that we both didn't have something to do. He sat at home most the weekend, caught up on sleep and watched lots of TV, I'm sure. He's currently enjoying a glass of wine with me and watching a movie.
We don't have much planned for the week, just work and back to the gym! I lost those few pounds that caught up with me last weekend! Yay! I'm just gonna keep on working with it, I know I just want to shed the pounds off, but in reality, that isn't good, I'd have too much extra skin hanging out. So, a little at a time!
I'm going to go read and catch up on a few books that I have been looking over for weight loss and I must plan dinner for tomorrow!
Until next time,
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